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Experience in Porto, Portugal by Lea

Published by flag-si Lea Plevcak — 10 years ago

0 Tags: flag-pt Erasmus experiences Porto, Porto, Portugal

What is it like to live in Porto? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Life in Porto is very easy, I will recommend it for everybody because is very beautiful,colorful, old and interesting. Everyone should go to Porto!

What is the student lifestyle like in Porto?

For the student from other countries is very very good organized, here is a lot of activities, so here you won't be bored.

How much does it cost to live in Porto?

It depense how much you need, I pay for my apartment with all bills 200 eur per month. But sure you have cheaper and more expensive apartment.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Porto? Is there any advice you can give?

No, for me wasn't, because I was registered in this site, and offers for rooms and apartments is a lot here.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

I don't really like portugese food. So I don't have my favorite dish, yet.

What places would you recommend visiting in Porto?

You must see the bridge, Santa Catarina street, Matosinhos beach, wine stores and a lot of other things.

Is it good to eat out in Porto? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Yes, because is very cheap. Munchie is for now my favorite, only for 5 eur you can got hamburger with chips, drink and cofee. And is soooo good!

Is the nightlife good in Porto? Where is good to go?

Yes in Porto is a lot of places that you can go, I think too many, because you become a party animal.

What advice would you give future students headed to Porto?

If you want something interesting, exciting, crazy, colorful, easy, Porto is the right decision. The people are so friendly and nice. Everything is really beautiful!

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