Experience in Poitiers, France by Victor
How much does it cost to live in Poitiers?
It's not very expensive to live in Poitiers. For example, you can easily find accommodation for 290/350€ per month.
Is it difficult to find accommodation in Poitiers? Is there any advice you can give?
It's easy to find an accommodation in Poitiers through websites like "leboncoin".
What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?
There are many restaurants where you can eat French food, but in the city, there is also a diversity of restaurants and you can test diverse meats.
What places would you recommend visiting in Poitiers?
"le futuroscope", a very famous amusement park in France, Poitiers is also a medieval city so you can visit churches, the cathedral etc.
Is the nightlife good in Poitiers? Where is good to go?
Students use to go out on Thursday evening in many nixt clubs.
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