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Bistro center

  - 1 opinions

My favourite hamburger spot in town

Published by flag- Martha S — 8 years ago

Bistro Center Nova Gorica (the former Bacchus bar and lounge) has switched many owners since its opening, but its quality is still at the very top of all the bars and restaurants in Nova Gorica.

It consists of the place inside, and a big terrace outside. In summer, the terrace can be a perfect place to sit, because it is never too hot outside, but there tend to be a lot of smokers, so if you cannot stand smoke just like me, then you better stay inside.

The recent owners have renovated (and renamed) the place. Before the renovation, the interior looks just like in any other bars, but it is much different now. Although the tables are small and the chairs are not the most comfortable, those are only two minor downsides. The interior is modern – looking, with led lights everywhere. There are pictures of various trees on the walls, and the lighting is just right, not too dark and not too light.

On summer evenings, they occasionally make music evenings. Do not expect anything spectacular, or any well – known artists, but I think this is better, because there is not too much people. The music is sometimes good just to listen, but most of the times it makes you want to dance, but there is no dancefloor, so you will most likely sit there and just tap your feet on the floor. But some people do dance outside, so you can join them. I once attended a jazz evening, and all tables were taken, but nobody was dancing because you simply had to sit and enjoy the music.

Although the prices are just slightly higher since the newest switch of owners, you can still have a good meal for a good price.

Hamburgers will cost you five Euros. This may seem a lot, but when you see their size, it will seem cheap. But it is true that the price has increased. Two years ago, a hamburger cost two and a half Euros, and they were not offering any other dishes besides hamburgers. Nowadays, they offer several kinds of hamburgers (chicken burger, fish burger, tuna burger, country burger, hamburger with grilled cheese, hamburger Bistro Center, ordinary hamburger, cheeseburger and vegeburger), and if you do not like any of them, you can design your own. Depends on the ingredients that you choose, but the price should be the same.

Besides hamburgers, which are their best-seller, you can order other dishes, too. Pizzas cost from four Euros and a half, up to nine Euros. Some of them, from the cheapest to the most expensive ones are Margerita (4,50€), Standard (mozzarella, ham, mushrooms and spices), Spicy (tomatoes, mozzarella, pepper and other spices) and Calcone (tomatoes, mozzarella, ham, mushrooms, sour cream and spices).

In Bar Bistro, you will also find excellent seafood dishes. My favourite ones so far are sea skewers (a huge portion costs ten Euros) and grilled squids with pommes frites (a portion costs seven Euros).

Drinks are not expensive either, for example 5dl of ice tea costs one Euro and a half, same amount of Coca Cola costs two Euros, coffe one Euro, 5dl of beer two Euros and twenty cents, and 2dl of wine costs one Euro and a half.

And, for some people, most important piece of information – staff friendliness. Usually, young students are working there, and from time to time, they might seem bored, but they are friendly. If you are a foreign student, you might have some problems understanding their English (some of them do not even speak English). I was once there with a friend from Poland and he was asking the waitress for advice on the best places in town, and she had no clue about English, so she told me the information in Slovenian and then I translated it into English.

They also offer food delivery if you live in Nova Gorica. If you are staying in the dormitory in Nova Gorica, the delivery there will cost you two Euros, regardless on how many persons ordered. So it is a good idea to order with some friends and then split the cost (Although two Euros is not a lot for a delivery, comparing to some other restaurants. But it is true that the dormitory is not very far away from Bistro Center.).

Bistro Center has an interesting timetable. It is opened everyday from ten in the morning to eleven in the evening, but it is closed on Sundays and holidays, when most visitors would come. The restaurant is generally never crowded, and you can always find a place to sit inside.


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