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Erasmus Experience in Nantes, France

Erasmus Experience in Nantes, France


Why did you choose to go to Nantes, France?

Because I wanted to learn French, learn about the city of Nantes, and I saw that it was very pretty and very young with many students from all over the place, which meant getting to know many people and a lot of partying, etc.

Erasmus Experience in Nantes, France


How long does the grant last? How much money do you receive as aid?

I was there for 10 months in total and they gave me 600 euros a month and the French government gave me another 97 euros.

How is student life in Nantes?

Incredible! There are no other words to express it... Wicked!

Would you recommend the city and the University of Nantes to other students?

Without a shadow of a doubt. Moreover, I would ask them, 'Why aren't you already in Nantes!? '

How is the country's food?

Average. There is everything.

How did you find accommodation?

Easily, through the university. They gave me a residence and truthfully, it was very good. I'm not complaining at all. Here, I found my Erasmus family.

How were the prices of accommodation? And the general prices?

Prices are generally expensive in relation to Spain, my country of origin but the prices of accommodation aren't too bad.

How is the language? Did you go to any course at the University?

I went to a course during the year of my Erasmus, but going out with French people is what made you improve the most and also not always going out with Spanish people, in my case. Nothing more. I learnt a lot of French in this way.

What is the most affordable way to get to Nantes from your city?

Well right now, a direct flight Seville-Nantes. However before, you had to go to Paris or Marseilles and from there, catch a train to Nantes.

Which places would you recommend to go out and party in Nantes?

It's impossible to list them all! There are many and they are all generally good. Even if you wanted to, you can't get bored in Nantes. There is something special in every part of the city.

And to go out to eat in Nantes? Can you name your favourite places?

After partying, a kebab makes me happy haha, but there are also several good places. If I were to recommend one, it would be the 'Moules avec frites' restaurant. I love it!

And as a cultural visit?

I have to inform you here that on the first Sunday of every month, entry to the museums is completely free, so take advantage of these days and visit them!

Any advice that you want to give to future students of Nantes?

That they come wanting to learn, to enjoy themselves, to know how to speak a foreign language, to get to know people from all over the world and ultimately, that they live this experience to the maximum and are happy!

A hug to all!

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