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Experience in Lyon, France by Proud

Published by flag-th Proud Chuwongprateep — 9 years ago

0 Tags: flag-fr Erasmus experiences Lyon, Lyon, France

What is it like to live in Lyon? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

I love this city! It is very beautiful in architecture. A Lyonaise is kind and lovely. Though they don't know a lot of english but when I asked them for help, they are willing to help. The transportation is very good also! You don't need buying/renting a car because there are many lines of tramway, metro and bus that can take you to anywhere you want. If you enjoy riding a bike, I will recommend you to ride a bike along the rivers, La Saone and Le Rhone. It's very beautiful at night! XD

What is the student lifestyle like in Lyon?

It takes about 15 minutes by a tramway from Lyon's city center to my university. It means that you don't need to wake up too much early in the morning. (but you must be careful the rush hours which a lot of people want to take the same tram with you)
In the class, you will get a lot of new french-friends. Actually, French is very kind and lovely and they want know who you are. So, just say 'Bonjour!' to them first and then everything will be good.

How much does it cost to live in Lyon?

At the first time staying here, I have to spent a lot of money for buying things for my living but after that, everything is great! If you are a student, you can get a discount. Such as, 28 euros per a month for an unlimited using a tecely card (for a tram) and the foods in the university's food court is very cheap and so delicious. I spent only 3 euro per a time for lunch in a cafe u. For an accommodation, there is a CAF which is an organization who helps you about paying your room rental. So, it helps you reducing costs to spent and you have more money for the other things. :P I have to tell you that, somethings are expensive but don't be worried, you will get used to it very soon.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Lyon? Is there any advice you can give?

For me as an Erasmus student, my host university help me about this. They sent me a list of an accommodation which is availabled, all I have to do is choosing one from the list that I prefer. You'd better look for a residence as soon as possible because there are many students from the other city and a lot of international students like you waiting for renting the room. If your place is next to a tramway station or a metro, don't lose it!

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Last month, I went to a Buchon (a local restaurant) in Lyon. I found that Salad Lyonaise is very good, I loved it. For a dessert, I love creme brulet. It's my favorite menu.

What places would you recommend visiting in Lyon?

A Rhone river for chill-out.
Bellecour, La Part-Dieu and Confluence for shopping.
Vieux Lyon for a museum and a home-made ice cream (strawberry is my favorite)
Parc de la tec dor for picnicing and relaxing.

Is it good to eat out in Lyon? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Go to find some local dishes for a dinner at bellecour or vieux lyon. Don't be worried, most of a waitor/waitress can speak english. Ask them to recommend you.

Is the nightlife good in Lyon? Where is good to go?

I used to go to a night club at Villeurbanne. It's not to far from the city center. You can take a bus. I'm not very expert about this thing but I know that it would be best if you begin your nightlife around eleven. Nice time.

What advice would you give future students heading to Lyon?

Take some French class before you get here. I think it will be the best if you know some simple words/sentences that can help you survive here. Good luck!

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