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Experience in Lyon, France by Max

Published by flag-fr Max Pezon — 10 years ago

0 Tags: flag-fr Erasmus experiences Lyon, Lyon, France

What is it like to live in Lyon? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Leaving in Lyon is magic, you can party every night in the old city or in the center near Hotel de Ville ou Les Terreaux. Buildings are as beautiful as the girl are sexy and naughty... :) Lyon is also the paradise for drug and cannabis in particular. You can notice many small shops which are in fact "illegal" coffeshops.. You will enjoy

What is the student lifestyle like in Lyon?

Student ligestyle is cool and fun, chilling aroud with friends, having sew every night with different sexy girls and also laying on chairs at the bars under the sun studying while drinking a glass of wine and having a cig

How much does it cost to live in Lyon?

Lyon is quite expensive but really deserves it ! Food is really cheap but partying is quite much, be sure you can spend about 600-700 Euros a day (about 900$) but be aware that you will never regret it ;)

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Lyon? Is there any advice you can give?

Not at all, many appartments are to rent and if you don't manage to find one when you arrive you will surely find a lovely gorl that will host you few weeks or you will make friends in bar and find a home for a while :)

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Food is very complete in Lyon, from the 4Euro Turkish Kebab to the 300luxury restaurant. Lyon is a city well known for good food, it is true, many famius dishes come from here and you will enjoy them for about 30Euro per lunch or diner, that is the middle price, but you will find excellent food for less than that

What places would you recommend visiting in Lyon?

The discotheque Le Bloc
Beaux Arts Museum
La demeure du chaos (search on google)
Les Minguettes (cannabis supermarket)

Is it good to eat out in Lyon? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Yes of course that is the best way to have fun and make new friends.. Some people are crazy and not welcoming but thank god most of them are very kind and will help you

Is the nightlife good in Lyon? Where is good to go?

Yes it is the best of france : famous people every where, you must go to the Ayers Boat( discotheque on a boat), Le Bloc, Le Boston and many others but don't worry you will notice them ;)

What advice would you give future students heading to Lyon?

Come quickly with all your friend, and bringbsome friends with you

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