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Experience in Lyon, France by lucille

Published by flag-fr lucille henry — 9 years ago

0 Tags: flag-fr Erasmus experiences Lyon, Lyon, France

What is it like to live in Lyon? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Living in Lyon is amazing. You never get bored, you're only 2 hours away from Paris, Geneva, Turin and the weather is great. You can go skying during winter and it's really hot during summer so basically you have everything you could dream of. It's a very green city and you can enjoy a walk in Le Parc de La Tete d'Or which is perfect if you want to escape from the city for a while.

What is the student lifestyle like in Lyon?

It's very busy. You always have plenty of things to do. From the museum to the architecture and the new places like Confluence or just grabbing a book and spending the day in a Café, you can find a different thing to do everyday. There are a lot of collectifs and associations to get busy with if you want to get involved in art or photo or webzines.

How much does it cost to live in Lyon?

It's not cheap but it's reasonable. It depends on the neighbourhood you're looking for but you still can find a way to find a fine flat for a regular price. I would recommend to share a flat tho, it's definitely the best way to find something nice.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Lyon? Is there any advice you can give?

It's quite hard if you try your luck at the last moment but otherwise you can find something rather quickly. The best way for me to find something great is by an agency, thats how I found the two flat I used to live in and of course it's a bit more expensive but they find you really great stuff.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

The food is all about meat and rich. I dont really like it but you can find some nice patisseries and pies with some praline, which is another speciality from Lyon.

What places would you recommend visiting in Lyon?

Of course you have to visit Le vieux Lyon and climb all the way up to Fourviere to enjoy the view. If you're interested in Modern art and architecture you can take a walk in La Confluence.

Is it good to eat out in Lyon? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

When I want to eat out or just stay in a café I usually spend go in les pentes de La Croix Rousse. Le café Cousu is my favorite place with Le Broc which is a bit louder but still great.

Is the nightlife good in Lyon? Where is good to go?

It's perfect. if you like electronic music you can't think of a better place. You can go downtown in Le Terminal or Le Logo or you can go to Le Sucre of course where you can enjoy a nice rooftop and a pretty great soundsystem. If you like boats and a very underground line up you can head to La Marquise, it's pretty cheap and close to everything. You have nice show venues also if you're more into rap or pop like Le Transbordeur or L'épicerie Moderne.

What advice would you give future students heading to Lyon?

Try every spot you can, walk a lot, thats the best way to discover the city and enjoy it as more as possible, thats honestly one of the best city you could study in in France!

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