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Experience in Lyon, France by Flavia

Published by flag-sv Flavia Totolo — 10 years ago

0 Tags: flag-fr Erasmus experiences Lyon, Lyon, France

What is it like to live in Lyon? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Living in Lyon is an experience. It's a city that has two faces. On one side it is a city which is very conservative because it's very Catholic. The higher point of the city is Fourviere a cathedral. The city is best known for its "Fete des lumieres" to thank the Virgin Mary. The city literally lights up! It's beautiful ! So there is a very artistic and underground side about this city too despite religion being a part of it. They also have a museum of the "Resistance". Lyon is a city that has always played a big role in History.

What is the student lifestyle like in Lyon?

I studied my BA in Lyon 2. I was in the Campus of Bron and "Les quais". I wasn't Erasmus, so I was a normal student. It was very hard and I basically stayed everyday working in the library because of the workload. The University system is extremely demanding, so you have to be very organized. I didn't really have time to party especially on my 2nd and 3rd year....

How much does it cost to live in Lyon?

Very expensive!! I used to pay 400€ of rent for a shared flat not in the city center... In winter I had bills of even 200€ for electricity... The food is expensive exept you can shop at low cost food stores like Liddl... Drinks at bars are expensive, and most of the clubs are not free.. You really have to take advantage of student nights for special prices. The transports are kind of expensive for not being a capital and there are ALWAYS people who control the tickets and they won't hesitate to fine you....

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Lyon? Is there any advice you can give?

It's difficult to find housing if you are not French because they ask for someone that can pay if you can't pay ( garant)...and most of the landlords don't trust strangers . Maybe I had bad luck but personally this is what I have been confronted... But there are apartments like from the Crous that are for students and are cheap and it's easier to get for strangers.. Except they are really on high demand so you have to hurry up to ask for one... Also there is help from Caf even if you are not French which helps you pay your rent its not a lot bit it helps:-)

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

The food is expensive if you are a student minimum you spend even for a salad is 13€.. It's good but I couldn't afford it every week... That's why everyone eats at McDonalds or Kebab because its more affordable for students! Almost everything has lactose like cheese or milk or butter .. Dishes are mostly composed with eggs, bacon and purée ... There is a famous chocolate/ pastry which are quenelles ( which is also a salty dish like pasta/gnocchi) and coussin which is a pastry!

What places would you recommend visiting in Lyon?

The Ancient Roman site it's amazing and has a wonderful view! Of course Fourviere which is close by and it also has an amazing view where you can see the whole city... I really like the neighborhood of St Jean because it was the only kind of bohemian neighborhood ...

Is it good to eat out in Lyon? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

As I said its expensive to eat out... I am from Mediterranean country so for me paying 6€ for a good meal is what I am used too .. Paying 13 to 20€ is only for special occasions.. And that is the cheap prices in Lyon... There are small restaurants called "bouchons" which offer typical dishes from Lyon...

Is the nightlife good in Lyon? Where is good to go?

I didn't really go out when I was studying there beause I had you much school work .. But the student night life is on Thursday look out for special student prices !! I liked the Ayers a Autralian bar which is free in the city center next to hotel de Ville...

What advice would you give future students heading to Lyon?

Be on time!!!!!!!! They don't accept lateness!!! Pay what you have to pay ( tickets for transport especially) there is ALWAYS someone who is going to control... Winter time is very tough ! In summertime it's really hot! Yes it's a city which goes to one extreme to the other... Don't hesitate to go up to young people because People from lyon are very shy and closed in their own groups... In living there 3 years I only made one friend from Lyon which was my ex boyfriend... All the other people I met where from France but not lyon or Ty where also strangers

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