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Erasmus Experience in Lyon, France by Zsuzsa

Published by flag- Egri Zsuzsanna — 10 years ago

0 Tags: flag-fr Erasmus experiences Lyon, Lyon, France

Why did you choose to go to Lyon, France?

When I started to think about going to France to study, I had one significant criterion: it should be a big city. I found Paris too expensive so I picked Lyon, as this is one of the biggest cities of France.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

I have a scholarship for five months and it is 400 euro per month. I have to pay everything from this money.

What is the student lifestyle like in Lyon?

In Lyon, the student lifestyle is quite buzzing, there is always something going on. It is really hard to get bored here. There are a wide variety of programs: parties, pubbing, wine tasting, chocholate tasting etc.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Lyon to other students?

Yes, I'd absolutely recommend this place. The system of the University is quite different from mine and not in a positive way. Plus, here we have to work hard to pass our exams...

What is the food like?

Attention, girls! Here everything is cheap that makes you fat: chocolate, nutella, excellent French bakeries... But all in all, I like the food here.

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Lyon?

No, I just filled in an online form by my host university and I gained a place in one of the university residences.

How much does it cost to live in Lyon?

It depends how much you pay for your accomodation, where you eat and how much you go out. Accomodation is from 175-450 euro/month (the cheapest is the residence, the most expensive is the apartment), parties are 10-12 euro (usually a drink is included in the price), the cafeteria at the university is 3-3.5 euro per meal. Oh, and here do not even hope for drinking cheap beer: a little one is around 3 euro.

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

French knowledge is highly recommended, as here you're given every possible information in French and rarely in English. At first, it is quite difficult to understand and use the language but after several months, it becomes natural. The university even provides free language courses for foreign students.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Lyon from your city?

I come from Hungary, my only way is through Budapest (though I do not live there). There is no easiest way. There are no direct flights, so flying is expensive. The bus means a long and tiring journey but it is the cheapest solution.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Lyon?

Just follow the Erasmus Student organization!

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Lyon?

It is worth giving a try for the "bouchons".

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

Chatedrals (eg. Fourviere), Museums (eg. Musée des Beaux Arts), Vieux Lyon, Croix-Rousse etc...

Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Lyon in the future?

Brace yourselves against the French burocracy! And good luck with finding an apartment here. (after 3 months, I still know people who haven't found any)

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