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My erasmus experience in Luxembourg, Luxembourg by Virginie

Why did you choose to go to Luxembourg, Luxembourg?

The place that I wanted to do my internship in was in Luxembourg. I also saw it as an opportunity to go to another country without going too far (because my finances wouldn't allow it).

How long did you stay there? How much funding did you receive?

I was there for 11 weeks and I received approx 500€ a month. Luckily I had already saved up some money in advance thanks to my part-time job.

My erasmus experience in Luxembourg, Luxembourg by Virginie


What is student life like in Luxembourg?

I didn't really get a chance to explore the student life because I was doing an internship in a business.

Would you recommend the city and university of Luxembourg to other students?

The city, yes, without hesitation! The atmosphere is lovely and the people are really friendly (if a bit reserved). I can't say for the university because I didn't get a chance to explore it.

What is the food like in Luxembourg?

Pretty much the same as in Belgium. But I did stay in Stockem and mostly cooked for myself.

Was it difficult to find accommodation in Luxembourg?

In the city itself, prices are extortionate ESPECIALLY accommodation. For this reason, I found a room in the suburb of Arlon. I found my room on http://www.appartager.com but I'd encourage you to start your search early!

What is the cost of living like in Luxembourg?

For people living there, prices seem quite high. But prices in supermarkets aren't particularly high, so for things you would buy every day at the supermarket, prices are more or less the same as in Belgium.

How did you find learning the language? Did you take part in courses organised by the university?

Given than my internship was with a French speaking company, I didn't have to worry about learning another language.

What is the cheapest way of getting to Luxembourg?

I come from Namur, Belgium so the train is perfect. Parking wasn't available where I worked so travelling by car wasn't ideal.

Where do you recommend going out in Luxembourg?

I didn't have the chance to go out because I was restricted by the public transport to Stockem. But I would definitely recommend Rotundas.

My erasmus experience in Luxembourg, Luxembourg by Virginie


And for food? Where are your favourite places?

Just like going out, I didn't have much chance to eat out. I got to know one or two sushi bars and a really great small Italian close to Rue de Pont-Rémy (where I worked).

Would you recommend any cultural visits?

I didn't have the chance to go on any.

Any advice for future students in Luxembourg?

Look for accommodation in Belgium or France to avoid sky high prices.

I'd also suggest you buy a jumbokart which only costs 75€ a month and gives you free travel by train or bus all over Luxembourg for a whole year.

Finally, make the most of your experience - I had 3 fantastic months there!

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