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Experience in Ljubljana, Slovenia by masa

Published by flag-si masa jurgelj — 9 years ago

0 Tags: flag-si Erasmus experiences Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

What is it like to live in Ljubljana? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Ljubljana is great! You can do a lot of different things in one day, because it's not too big. There are city buses or bycicles to drive you to another place. City centre is very cute, also Ljubljanica river gives you few activities. People are nice and mostly everyone speak English.

What is the student lifestyle like in Ljubljana?

Students in Ljubljana have fun and live for them is quite cheap because of subsidies (for lunch, ride, other events).

How much does it cost to live in Ljubljana?

Ljubljana is the capital so it's a bit more expensive than other cities in Slovenia. Usualy there are discounts for students.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Ljubljana? Is there any advice you can give?

check www.cimri.si/ljubljana for apartments or
http://www.stud-dom-lj.si/ for dormitories

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

there is a lot of chances for lunch/dinner. You can eat slovenian food, italian, chinese, thai, mexican, everything you want for your students discount (it is almost in every restaurant).

What places would you recommend visiting in Ljubljana?

Metelkova mesto, Šmarna gora, the centre od Ljubljana, just go around the city, you can't miss a thing :)

Is it good to eat out in Ljubljana? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Joe Penas, Cantina Mexicana, Thai-in, Foculus, Viadukt, Skriti kot, Emonska klet...

Is the nightlife good in Ljubljana? Where is good to go?

there are some places to go: Metelkova mesto, Pod skalco, Semafor, Zlata ladjica, Pr'Skelet - Disco bar, Circus, Companeros club, Parlament pub, Emonska klet, Top six club...

What advice would you give future students heading to Ljubljana?

Have fun! ;)

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