Erasmus Experience in Ljubljana, Slovenia by Vanessa
Why did you choose to go to Ljubljana, Slovenia?
Because I have to prepare my thesis for my master's degree and I found an interesting project.
How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?
From March to August. The amount of money is exactly how much I spend for food and apartment's rent.
What is the student lifestyle like in Ljubljana?
Would you recommend the city and the University of Ljubljana to other students?
Yes, people are sweet and Ljubljana is wonderful.
What is the food like?
The food is delicious.
Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Ljubljana?
No, it didn't.
How much does it cost to live in Ljubljana?
Not so much.
Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available in the University?
The language is not so easy, but I learned few words. I don't know if there are language courses available in the university, because I speak English with my co-workers.
What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Ljubljana from your city?
By bus. I have to travel for ten hours.
Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Ljubljana?
There are a lot of pubs, cafés and discos.
And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Ljubljana?
"Valter" is a good restaurant (Balcan foods), "Hombre" and Mexican restaurants are also delicious.
What good cultural sites are there to visit?
There are a lot of museums.
Is there any other advice that you could give to future students who are going to Ljubljana?
If you are an Erasmus student, the first thing that you have to do is to go to the International Office, they will help you!
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Content available in other languages
- Español: Experencia Erasmus en Liubliana, Eslovenia por Vanessa
- Português: Experiência Erasmus em Ljubljana, Eslovénia por Vanessa
- Polski: Wrażenia z Erasmusa w Lublanie, Słowenia, autorka: Vanessa
- Français: Expérience Erasmus à Ljubljana, en Slovénie par Vanessa
- Italiano: Esperienza Erasmus a Lubiana, Slovenia di Vanessa
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Comments (1 comments)
ciao Vanessa! grazie per aver condiviso la tua esperienza =)
io e una mia compagna di corso andremo in erasmus a Lubiana a settembre (secondo anno di magistrale in marketing). Cosa ci consigli come abitazione? meglio appartamento o dormitori? a noi piaceva l'idea di vivere con tantissimi altri studenti erasmus per poter parlare sempre inglese e vivere al massimo questa esperienza.. sai consigliarci? grazie mille in anticipo