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Erasmus Experience in Ljubljana, Slovenia by Anže

Why did you choose to go to Ljubljana, Slovenia?

It's medium-sized city in the centre of Europe, it has the best climate in Central Europe, it's near to ski slopes, near to the coast and it's affordable.


How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

One year.

What is the student lifestyle like in Ljubljana?

There's a big student residence that has a good atmosphere.

Would you recommend the city and the university of Ljubljana to other students?

Of course.


What is the food like there?

It's a hybrid between central European and Italian food.

Was it difficult to find accommodation in Ljubljana?

No, the university provides the residence. Rent prices are expensive.

How much does it cost to live in Ljubljana?

It's more affordable than Spain.


Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the university?

The language is difficult, but everyone speaks English: the taxi drivers, in the supermarkets... I went on a course to learn basic Slovenian.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Ljubljana from your home city?

By plane to Venice and then taking a train or bus from there. Or flying there with Easyjet with a stopover in Paris or London.


Where would you recommend for a night out in Ljubljana?

KMS, Compañeros, Parlament...

And to eat in Ljubljana? What are some of your favourite places to go?

All of the places included on the student ticket, full menus for between €2 and €4 all over the city.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

The centre of the city and the castle.


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