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Erasmus Experience in Kolding, Denmark, by Laurence

How is student life in Kolding?

There are lots of international students in Kolding, which makes for a great opportunity to share and explore, as well as an excellent party atmosphere!

Did you have any trouble finding accommodation in Kolding?

Yes, it's really difficult to find accommodation in Kolding. A word of advice: Go in advance and be proactive.

What is the cost of living in Kolding?

The cost of living is high, but it is possible to keep the cost down by choosing the right products at the best prices and relying on promotions while shopping.

Is it easy to understand the language? Did you go to any language classes organised by the university?

No, I didn't learn Danish, I was there to improve my English, which is a guarantee given that the Danish have a very good level of English.

What is the cheapest method of getting to Kolding from your town?

I went to Kolding by plane, thanks to an Erasmus deal with Brussels Airlines. I landed at Billund, where I took a bus on to Kolding (bus 166, 70DKK for the journey).

Erasmus Experience in Kolding, Denmark, by Laurence


What places do you recommend for partying in Kolding?

The Pitstop is great on a Thursday - they organise a beerpong tournament there each week. The Zwei Grosse is also quite fun with good party music. And to finish, the Tordenskiold is also great, but you have to pay to enter (although it is possible to get in for free before 1am I think, by showing your student card).

And to eat in Kolding? What are your favourite places?

The Flip the Burger is the best place for students to eat. It has the best burgers in town, and the chefs are really nice!

Otherwise, the Italian restaurant next to Pitstop is very nice, and affordable.

Which cultural sights are a must-see?

Koldinghus: it is possible to climb to the top of the castle tower and get a panaromic view of all of Kolding.

Erasmus Experience in Kolding, Denmark, by Laurence


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