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Experience in Jaén, Spain by Jenifer

Translated by flag-es Desi Pérez — 8 years ago

Original text by flag-es Jenifer Perez

0 Tags: flag-es Erasmus experiences Jaen, Jaen, Spain

What do you think about living in Jaén? Do you recommend it? How is it?

Jaén is like a big town but with city facilities. I recommend it to people who like this type of quiet location and with good natural landscapes.

How is the student atmosphere in Jaén?

Students are pleasant, nice, and willing to have fun whenever and wherever.

How much does it cost living in Jaén?

Living in Jaén isn't expensive. Good prices both in housing and in the rest of aspects.

Was it difficult to find accommodation in Jaén? Can you give any piece of advice?

There are always available flats or rooms wherever you look for. For me, the best zone is the boulevard because if you are a student, you will be close to the city centre, to the bar zone, and to the University.

What places do you recommend visiting in Jaén?

The cathedral, the castle, its mountain range, and two close cities which are World Heritage Sites: Úbeda and Baeza.

And what about eating? Can you mention your favourite places?

For eating any bar/restaurant is OK.

What places do you recommend to go out in Jaén?

The zones of 'Gran Eje' or 'Kharma'.

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