Erasmus Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
in flats and apartments Istanbul
Room for rent in 3-bedroom apartment in Firuzağa, Istanbul
14000 TL monthly
Available from 1st Jun 2025in rooms for rent in shared flats Istanbul -
in rooms for rent in shared flats Istanbul
student in istanbul bilgi university as a foreigner
Its been a year since I registered in the university and I love my university and I'm sharing all this from my experiences and what i find good and bad about the uni and the santral campus is considered one of the biggest university campuses in istanbul. I faced...
Designing my first dress
Making my first own Design dress (Final project) i just finished my first year as a fashion design student . so as a FD student we make alot of patterns in classes but not a real piece with real fabric what i mean that we make it with muslin but we dont transfer it to...
Experience in Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey by Aras
Generally, what is Istanbul Bilgi University like? Bilgi University has three main campuses in Istanbul. The biggest one is called Santral Istanbul. You may easily reach to the campus with public transportation and the shuttles of the school which are free to use. It is...
East Meets West...
“If one had but a single glance to give the world, one should gaze on Istanbul. ” - Alphonse de Lamartine As I travelled into Istanbul on an early September morning, for all I knew, I could have been stepping into any Middle Eastern City. Leaving behind my western...