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Experience in Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic by Zane

What is it like to live in Hradec Kralove? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Hradec Kralove is a really small city, with nice people. It's really calm and beautiful.

What is the student lifestyle like in Hradec Kralove?

There is not much you can do in Hradec Kralove, so students like to travel around (visit Prague or other countries). Students mostly study and party during the weekends.


How much does it cost to live in Hradec Kralove?

I come from Latvia and prices are similar, if you go to a shopping center like Futurum it's pretty cheap also it is cheap to eat out and it is easy to find accommodation in low price range.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Hradec Kralove? Is there any advice you can give?

There are two agencies that I know of that help foreigners on finding accommodation (Foreigners and Forstudents), I found my apartament there, and also there are two student dormitories (Hotel Garni and Palachova); dorms are cheaper, but if you are like me and enjoy your own space you can also find cheap flats and share them with other foreigners.

What places would you recommend visiting in Hradec Kralove?

There is not much you can do here, this city is more for people who practice calm lifestyle, but there is a really good Gallery of Modern Art in the old city square and I also liked Philharmonic Orchestra. The city is beautiful itself, people who like Art Noveau will enjoy Hradec Kralove architecture.


Is it good to eat out in Hradec Kralove? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Definitely, Czechs like eating out, when the warm spring season starts restaurant owners built outside terraces and you can eat outside, there are good restaurants in the old city like Mexita, Sport cafe, etc. You can have any food you like, Italian, Mexican, Indian...


Is the nightlife good in Hradec Kralove? Where is good to go?

The nightlife is good if you have good company, there are a lot of bars and cafes in the old town square where you can have drinks. X-treme bar is good and also the Nox club, but sometimes it can get too packed up. As I have seen Hradec Kralove people like going out almost every night.

What advice would you give future students heading to Hradec Kralove?

Live in dorms, so you can meet new people. And visit others countries because it is really easy to get anywhere from Czech Republic. Go out and have fun! :)

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