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Ireland: Many wonderful memories, too little time

Published by flag-lk Vanjula Sundareswaran — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-ie Erasmus experiences Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

What is it like to live in Dublin? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Initially, moving away from Oman for the first time, the weather was one of the factors that quite intimidated me; it was quite unpredictable and would change over a time-span of just a few hours.

But other than the weather (which you would eventually get used to), I would definitely recommend Dublin to any student. The lifestyle is rather unique, considering the fact that most of the people here are rather open-minded; you won't feel homesick for long and the chances of getting a culture shock is reduced significantly, in my opinion. There are always stores around you that are easily accessible and reaching the city centre isn't that hard of a task either, as there are always buses or Luas (light rail tram system) taking you there.

What is the student lifestyle like in Dublin?

It's one of the best cities for students to live in. As mentioned earlier, lots of stores to access to, several parks and cafes to relax or study in, wonderful restaurants to check, with a vast range of cuisine to try and several options for nightlife as well.

You won't feel lonely here even past night time as the city is always active with students from the clubs and bar.

How much does it cost to live in Dublin?

The living expenses are rather high here, compared to other European countries. For a month, it cost me approximately 800- 900 Euro (including accommodation rent). This amount might reduce significantly up to about 700 a month if you don't consider nightlife or eating out expenses.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Dublin? Is there any advice you can give?

Accommodations are quite expensive, although if you spend the first year in a student residence (approx. 600-700 Euros a month, all bills included), you can move out the second year with a few friends and share an apartment, which is much more affordable (approx. 100-150 Euro minimum).

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

There are a variety of cuisines to try from here (although you will need a loaded wallet to do so). But for affordable meals, there are several takeout places spread around or bistros to eat from. I personally love the Irish Breakfast though, which used to be my monthly indulgence.

What places would you recommend visiting in Dublin?

I think Dublin, as a whole, is a wonderful place to explore, as even each nook and cranny is full of surprises. I did enjoy going to Trinity College and checking out The Book of Kells. The Guinness Storehouse is a must, especially for those who are interested in finding out how one of Ireland's finest beers are produced. There is a small National Leprechaun Museum, which is definitely worth the visit, with wonderful exhibits and interesting stories to listen to. For those who love animals (I mean, who doesn't? ), there is a Dublin Zoo to go to.

By the way, there are student discounts in all these places (with valid student ID).

Is it good to eat out in Dublin? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

It is rather expensive to eat out, especially on a student budget. But if you feel like indulging in something different (and willing to splurge a little), there are good fish 'n' chips or tapas restaurants to check out; the local pubs provide some really nice meals as well, regardless of whether you consume alcohol or not.

Is the nightlife good in Dublin? Where is good to go?

The nightlife in Dublin is rather vast and quite interesting. There are several clubs to check out here in Dublin; the entrance is free if you can download the app "Vipsy" and get a pass. Alcohol prices are quite expensive in clubs and bars though, and it's rather cheap to have pre-drinks instead. A few good clubs to check out would be The Palace (good alcohol deals), Dicey's (cheap drinks, especially on the weekdays) and The Academy (good music).

But when you come to Ireland, the pubs are the best place to hang out for good beer, and to meet and get good Irish stories and to feel their culture: The Bleeding Horse, Temple Bar and J. W. Sweetman are few of the bars to definitely check out with some good company.

What advice would you give future students heading to Dublin?

I think most of the information I shared above would be rather helpful for students to follow, but if you have further questions, don't hesitate to message me.

But one thing for sure, your culture will be embraced by Ireland and you will fall in love with not just the Irish culture but with the place, the people and the lifestyle around you.

Ireland is like a drug- once you are hooked on it, it will leave you coming back for more.

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