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Experience in Dublin, Ireland by Rachel

Published by flag-ie Rachel Kavanagh — 9 years ago

0 Tags: flag-ie Erasmus experiences Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

What is it like to live in Dublin? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

The city is beautiful especially at night, it's wonderful to live in Dublin people are nice I you if you treat them with kindness they can be very helpful. Unfortunately it is expensive to live in Dublin but for an Erasmus year it would be worth it... I would recommend living there because you will experience different things, things you never thought possible and meet the friends you would have for a lifetime.

What is the student lifestyle like in Dublin?

Student life style is amazing students are very friendly to Erasmus students and will be very helpful towards you... For students it's is a little bit cheaper because of the student card in many clothes and food stores you can receive a discount. Student nightlife is amazing for Dublin there is endless amounts of pubs with music or nightclubs to dance the night away.

How much does it cost to live in Dublin?

There is no estimate as to what it would cost to live in Dublin it will be very expensive to live in the city close to everything and it would be a little bit cheaper to live outside the city with public transport taking up to 1 hour to bring you to the city... Student cards can be used for discounts on train and bus tickets.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Dublin? Is there any advice you can give?

There is many people who would look to room share... The advice I would give is to stay outside the city as it is cheaper and there is still old nightlife outside the city and public transport into the town comes very often.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

You can enjoy any type of food in Dublin there is endless amounts of restaurants and shops that sell many many products in Dublin, it's quiet cheap but not that cheap...

What places would you recommend visiting in Dublin?

Trinity College... The Spire... Dun Laoghaire Pier (beautiful sights) the Obelisk tower on Kiliney Hill, National Museum, Croke Park, A rugby game in Aviva stadium .. The Guinness storehouse.

Is it good to eat out in Dublin? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Amerta Chinese in Monkstown... Jimmy Chungs 0'Connell street Eddie Rockets.

Is the nightlife good in Dublin? Where is good to go?

There is a wide variety of places to go it really depends on the type of person you are... There is a place for everyone... Fibbers on Parnell street is a good rock bar.

What advice would you give future students heading to Dublin?

Be nice and you will soon make friends... Don't think it will be cheap Dublin is very expensive. Look to live outside Dublin in places like Blackrock or Dunlaoghaire buses can take you to Dublin in about an hour, be yourself make friends and make memories.

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