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Experience in Dublin, Ireland by Katleen

Published by flag- Jania Abata — 7 years ago

0 Tags: flag-ie Erasmus experiences Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

What is it like to live in Dublin? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

It is a lovely city, Dublin has the biggest park in Europe - Phoenix Park, and a lot of museums... It is a calm and quiet life, Dublin has a lot to offer.

What is the student lifestyle like in Dublin?

Well, most people think pubs when they think of Ireland, but there is so much more to it. There is always something going on, festivals, cultural events, exhibitions, etc.

How much does it cost to live in Dublin?

Student bus fare is around 20 euros per week with the card and you can use as much as you like. I spend about 120 euros per month on food. Water is free (until October 2014), and electricity comes every 2 months... with 2 people in the house the bill comes between 80 - 100 euros.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Dublin? Is there any advice you can give?

Not at all, there's constantly people coming in and out and giving away their place, you can find accommodation here at Erasmusu.com, on Daft.ie or on facebook pages of your own country community of people coming over...

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Very plane... mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes, everything potatoes... peas, etc.. not too much salt or spices. They eat a lot of chicken here.

What places would you recommend visiting in Dublin?

Phoenix Park, Science Gallery (it is great) and free, Viking Museum, but I strongly recommend going to the countryside too... Galway (Cliffs of Moher), Belfast (Giants Causeway), you haven't seen Ireland until you go to the countryside.

Is it good to eat out in Dublin? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Gourmet burger, Nando's, but if you want something really Irish go to the cheaper or as they say "cheapa" and order some fish and chips. You should probably go down to temple bar and try an Irish breakfast (you can ask for a vegetarian one if you don't eat pork).

Is the nightlife good in Dublin? Where is good to go?

I'm not much of a party animal but i know there's Temple Bar, although I advise people not to walk around at night... Dublin is fairly safe compared to other places but there's too many drunk people at night so you might want to take care, don't walk alone, take a taxi home instead of the night link...

What advice would you give future students heading to Dublin?

It is a great experience and Irish people are quite friendly... I think one of the things I see with my own country is that people come here and they tend to stick together... and that's bad because you are missing out on getting to know the culture or practicing the language... look for accommodation with other foreigners or even irish people, that way you don't speak your own language all the time.

Also, do not do deals for flats online if you have to make transfers with western union, there are scams out there and be suspicious of jobs that want to send you checks in advance with big figures, that is also a known scam here. And look for reviews for the school/college/agency you are going to /with.

But don't worry those are just safety tips, Dublin is very nice and most people are honest and helpful here :)

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