Erasmus experiences Catania
Miguel's Erasmus Experience in Catania, Italy
Why did you choose to go to Catania, Italy? Of the options I had, it was the one which I knew the least about, I thought that being an island could mean I would have the option to travel and see other places (I didn't expect Sicily to have so many things to see, which...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Marie Curie Experience in Catania, Italy by Nishant Peddagopu
Why did you choose to go to Catania, Italy? Prof. Graziella in Department of Chemical science has been a prolific mentor and supervisor in the last decade or so and that really helped me to decide without any further deliberation. Also, the research topic aligned with...
1 0 , 5 years ago -
Experience in Catania, Italy by Alessia
What is it like to live in Catania? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Catania is a very beautiful city, full of monuments, history, different types of landscape: you can visit mount Etna or go to the beach. There are lots of festivals and cultural events...
1 0 , 5 years ago -
Experience in Catania, Italy by Federica
How much does it cost to live in Catania? Not to much, you can live with 300/500 for month.Is it difficult to find accommodation in Catania? Is there any advice you can give? No,it's not too difficult.What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes? The sicilian...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Catania, Italy by Georgia
Why did you choose to go to Catania, Italy? I had never visited Sicily, and I thought it would be a great opportunity to see a new country. Source How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? I'm here for 6 months and I...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
My Experience in Catania, Italy, by Giulia
What do you think of life in Catania? Would you recommend it? What is it like there? Obviously, I am a part of it, so I respond to all these questions with one answer: "Magnificent". Catania is an excellent student city. There is the sea, clubs, sun, food... It is a...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
My Experience in Catania, Italy, by Giulia
What do you think of life in Catania? Would you recommend it? What is it like there? Obviously, I am a part of it, so I respond to all these questions with one answer: "Magnificent". Catania is an excellent student city. There is the sea, clubs, sun, food... It is a...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Catania, Italy
Why did you choose to go to Catania, Italy? Catania is near to the beach, with a completely different culture to that in the north of France, and a different climate too. Catania University Source The city of Catania Source How long did you stay there? How much was...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
An unforgettable experience in beautiful Sicily
Why did you choose to go to Catania, Italy? I didn't know much about the city of Catania, but I thought it would be interesting to spend a year in the south of Italy, although I was primarily interested in learning English. How long was the scholarship? How much money...
0 0 , 8 years ago -
My Sicilian Experience
I am not going to start telling you about my experience from when I first arrived at Catania airport at the end of September 2007, nor am I going to start by telling you my long journey after a long night of saying goodbyes in Madrid... No, my experience started before,...
0 0 , 8 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Catania, Italy by Michal
Why did you choose to go to Catania, Italy? Sea, sun, warm weather. Source How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? 1800 euros. Would you recommend the city and the University of Catania to other students? Yes, of...
0 0 , 8 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Catania, Italy by Peter
Source Why did you choose to go to Catania, Italy? Because I wanted to go to city, where is warm and good weather, sea, lots of young people (because of night life) and good and old university. How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you...
0 0 , 8 years ago -
Experience in Catania, Italy by Ludovica
What is it like to live in Catania? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Of course! The city is beautiful, the people are really nice and the weather is awesome during the whole year! How much does it cost to live in Catania? It is cheaper than living in...
0 0 , 9 years ago -
Experience in Catania, Italy by Lina
What is it like to live in Catania? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Catania is a chaotic southern city. But wonderful place between the Etna Volcan and the sea. You can have great time studying and enjoying nature, monuments, pubs, concerts and...
0 0 , 9 years ago -
Little world in Catania, Italy
What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes? cooking in Catania is the best of the world. You can find "arancini", "pata at Norma" and fresf fish!What places would you recommend visiting in Catania? If you decide to go to Catania, You had a good idea! It has...
0 0 , 9 years ago -
Experience in Catania, Italy by Giulia
What is it like to live in Catania? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Catania is a city full of life. There are always a lot of people on the streets, and they will always help you if you have any problems (even if most of the people don't speak english,...
1 0 , 9 years ago -
Experience in Catania, Italy by maria
What is it like to live in Catania? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Catania is a very lively and exciting city particularly suitable for young people....It is immerged in a quite cordial, liveable and people-measured dimension and capable of maintaining...
0 0 , 9 years ago -
Experience in Catania, Italy by carlotta
What is it like to live in Catania? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Catania is a beautiful city , people are kind and friendly, always ready to give you informations, advice and helps.What is the student lifestyle like in Catania? It's like having party...
0 0 , 9 years ago -
Discovering Etna volcano by Etnaexperience company tours
I can highly recommend this tour company and Daniele was an excellent knowledgeable guide telling us all there was to know about the volcano and how it changes, the rock formations, plants. It was a very enjoyable experience and included a cave visit and lunch at a...
0 0 , 10 years ago -
Erasmus in Catania
What is it like to live in Catania? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Catania isn't very big and there is one old part where the majority of monuments are. There is a long beach, rocky on the northern part and sandy on the southern one. You can see Etna...
0 0 , 10 years ago