Erasmus blog Catania
A day in Catania
The city of Catania is located in the east middle coastal part of Sicily and was founded in the eighth century before the birth of Christ by the Greek people. The name of the city in the ancient world was Katana, which meant “the bay” or “the coast”. The city...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Catania City
On our last day in Catania, we saw these painted silos near the port. These bronze statues near the sea were missing a part, so I decided to hop in ... did I do it well? You decide! This is the town hall of Catania, opposite the main building of the university, at...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Etna Peak
After 90 minutes of hard work, we finally arrived at the highest point we could reach - close to the peak! The summit itself was hidden in clouds, but it was amazing to think that we were so close! From time to time, the clouds went away so we could see some snow on...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Etna Sign - YOU SHALL NOT PASS (?)
Near the end of the trail, we reached as sign saying "Access forbidden" because the paths would not be regular anymore and the peak would be too close ... however, we took a photo behind the sign just 'cause. Thug life - no risk, no fun. :P Here you can see a troll...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Etna Station
As we went on, the ascent became very steep below the lift ... for every step you went, the ash made you slide backwards a bit. We definitely did not skip leg day here ;) The rock formations had very sharp edges, and sometimes, you could see vapour rising from holes...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Etna 2
Meanwhile, we had come to a point where thick fog was everywhere ... we looked like survivors in an apocalyptic film. More and more of our people emerged from the grey fog, and we marched onward. Every now and then, we made a break on grassy patches, the last plants...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Climbing the Etna: First Steps
The Etna is, with about 3,300 metres above sea level, the highest active volcano of Europe. UNESCO accepted it into its list as World Natural Heritage! According to mythology, the god Hephaistos/Vulcanus has his forge under the volcano; also the philosopher Empedocles...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Castello Ursino Museum
In the next parts of the museum, we saw this marble shrine with divine beings and heroes on it ... it must be valuable! This red-figure vase shows a rich banquet ... people back then knew how to party! On this Greek inscription, you can read "Phlabios" which is...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Catania Museum / Castello Ursino
In a museum close to the theatre, we saw this marble sarcophagus decorated with city scenes and flowery motives. Renaissance art in the form of still lives with fruit were a nice change ... ... this one also had a fountain in the background. The Norman castle...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
The second last day, we finally arrived at Catania, the island's second largest city. Since 2002, the historical part of the town is UNESCO world heritage alongside with other cities of Val di Noto. Poets like Ibykos whose sensual poems were received by Schiller and...
0 0 , 6 years ago