Parker's Piece is in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom. It is located near the center of Cambridge, near Mill Road. It's in the center of the city and the main tourist attractions are nearby it, so every tourist will notice this large green park, if you ask me. The park is nearby the railway station, too. That street is called Station Road and that's where our school was situated, so it was really close to us and we just used to hang out there after school.

About Parker's Piece
This is a significant open place, where people love to have picnics and play football or cricket. This is a place where basic football association rules were formed in the 19th century.
It is a green area, where two main walking and cycling paths cross each other and there is a single lamp-post at the junction, known as "Reality Checkpoint".
In 1838, a coronation feast was held on Parker's Piece for fifteen thousand guests to celebrate the coronation of Queen Victoria.

Our visits in Parker's Piece
We went there on the second day of us being in Cambridge. It was all new to us, the whole streets with cars driving on the left and the green lawns and stuff like that. And the very moment we got to Parker's Piece it was like a heaven, because people were just sitting there, enjoying their noon and some of them were playing football and cricket and some of them were having lunch and things like that. It was pretty cool, if you ask me. And everything was just nice and you would want to sit there on the green grass and just do nothing and look at these people. We watched people playing cricket for some time. And I remember our teacher telling us that they can play cricket for days and still have no winner!

Well, it’s a great place for hanging out and I wish we had parks like that here in Georgia, too. The people there in Cambridge really took care of the park and they cleaned after themselves when they finished their visit there and stuff like that.
We visited Parker’s Piece on our second day in Cambridge and we visited it often since then. It was our usual hanging out place after school hoursand we kind of just relaxed there and then went to other places to sightsee. Or we could just go to museums and shopping and stuff like that and then go to Parker’s Piece, as the museums and shops and places like them would close at 6 or 7 p. m. and Parker’s Piece was always open for us.

We had a picnic there when we met other Georgians there in Cambridge and ordered some pizzas and ate them and had just a great time talking and stuff. It’s a good place because it’s an open space and it kind of gives you an impression that you are free to do whatever you like and there are no walls to hold you somewhere in one place.