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Erasmus Cadiz 2012 / 2013 (English)

Showing 61-80 of 96 entries

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Hola chicos :)

i'm going to Cadiz for winter semester with 2 friends from Poland, we r gonna study finance and accounting, we r thinking about leaving in a flat with one or two people more from other country :) (can be spanish people also pero no hablamos espańol mucho but it will be easier to learn ;p)

anybody wanna join us (one girl - me ;p and two boys)? we will be in Cadiz sth around 13.09.


anybody knows when spanish course is starting? i sent mail with this question but they wrote me back only how long course is, and how often ...


do you mean the cursos regulares? http://cslm.fueca.org/menuidioma2.php?tipo=2&idioma=1

and this is the internet adress for cursos intensivos: http://cslm.fueca.org/menuidioma.php?tipo=1&idioma=1

yes, i saw this websides. i'm not good at spanish, but i didn't see they wrote when we should sign for this courses or how

hahaha ok i know now ;p i didn't think that i have to click on the green spot ;p yees, being rubia mmm

thanks Svenja :)

Muchas gracias para el link!:D

Hola, soy brasileño y voy a iniciar el estudo de Inginieria Aeroespacial en la Universidad de Cádiz,  estoy buscando espacio para vivir. Si alguien tiene algo, por favor póngase en contacto conmigo.

Mi facebook.


Varios estudiantes de Brasil se va. Si alguien tiene más lugares para alocarmos los demás también.


i will be also studying in cadiz in first semester and i'm looking for a room in a shared flat in casco antiguo or playa la caleta:)

Hola todos!! teneis noticias de la universitad??

Yo estoy buscando un piso tambien

hola samir! donde estàs buscando piso? en que barrio?

Hola a todos! Yo tambien voy a llegar a Cadiz en Septiembre y busco un piso compartido con otros estudiantes. Estare en Cadiz todo el ano academico. Saludos! :)

hej angelika :) z jakiego miasta jedziesz? jedziesz na caly rok? my dostalismy dokument mowiacy ze nie mozna zostac na caly rok z polski :/

the uni doesn't contact me :s do you have some info from the uni? all of you have been contacted from they?

czesc Olga :) Ja studiuje w Aberystwyth, w Wielkiej Brytanii, wiec pewnie dlatego moge jechac na dwa semestry. Jedziesz na pierwszy semestr do Cadiz?

Giada, we got mails only so far. we r waiting for tradicional letter now

a me è arrivata una mail dove si diceva che mi sarebbe arrivata la lettera di accetazione a casa e che avrei dovuto registrarmi all'ufficio rapporti internazionali tra il 10 e il 28 settembre. nulla di più. se vuoi ti invio il file, ci sono anche altre notizie, come i corsi aggiornati

Algun encontrou un appartamento para alguilar?? Muchos brasilenos (20 no total) estão indo tambien

Francesco ieri quella mail è arrivata anche a me, grazie lo stesso :D

Showing 61-80 of 96 entries

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