Betul Okcan
Written 12 years ago
We,two Turkish girls will be there on September for fall term.Probably I will be in casco antiguo.we are looking for room, or friends to rent house, whicever is cheaper. How about the weather there? is winter too cold?
Gianluca Mancini
Written 12 years ago
Hello everybody,I'm Gianluca from Rome. I'm gonna study natural sciences courses in puerto real,but I'm looking for a room in Cadiz. I think I'll be there about the second week of September in order to attend few English courses and organise other stuff. If you wanna contact me directly, to share useful info,do it! This is my mail: [email protected] bye!
Viviana Esposito
Written 12 years ago
Ciao Gianluca, anche io sto cercando casa a Cadice nello stesso periodo. Io vado a fare scienze del mare lì perchè sono di Biologia Marina. Alcuni esami possono essere uguali ai tuoi. Io sto andando in crisi per compilare il learning agreement.
Gianluca Mancini
Written 12 years ago
Ciao Viviana!
Dove studi biologia marina? Io ho inserito tra gli esami,genetica,geochimica e fisiologia animale e vegetale,poi vedremo se inserirne qualcun altro!
Alcune persone che conosco e che sono tornate da cadice, mi hanno consigliato di alloggiare a cadice e non a puerto real per molti fattori. L'unico 'inconveniente' è lo spostamento giornaliero con bus o treno da casa all'uni!
Te che esami vorrai dare?
Ciao! =)
Betul Okcan
Written 12 years ago
Does anyone know if there is a spanish course for ERASMUS students in the university (free) ?
Kinja Kalimira
Written 12 years ago
I know there is a spanish course but I don't think it's free ...
Kinja Kalimira
Written 12 years ago
I doesn't kwow why it doesn't work :-/ (it's the link for the website of the Centro Superior de Lenguas Modernas de la universidad de Cadiz).
There you can click on "servicios" and then on "cursos de Espanol".
Viviana Esposito
Written 12 years ago
Ciao Gianluca, io studio alla Federico II di Napoli e vorrei fare l'esame di genetica anche io,tu da che corso di laurea di cadice hai preso l'esame?quanti crediti è?Poi vorrei fare Biologia molecolare ma non lo trovo.Per caso tu hai visto quest'esame da qualche parte del primo semestre?Poi c'è geologia e microbiologia e poi vedo...
Per quanto riguarda l'appartamento anche a me hanno detto di trovarne uno a cadice perchè c'è + vita anche la sera.
Marina Sánchez
Written 12 years ago
Hey Gianluca! You can study biology in Puerto Real, it's about 35-40 minutes from cadiz (by bus). You can also go by train, there's a train stop near the faculty
This spanish course is not free, and i don't know if you will find someone free...
Sophie Procter
Written 12 years ago
Hey I'm from England and coming to Cádiz for both semesters next year, would be good to find people to live with early!
Viviana Esposito
Written 12 years ago
me too! You know how much cost an apartament and where we can rent it?
Giada Beccati
Written 12 years ago
Viviana delle ragazze che vivono a cadiz mi hanno detto che con 200 euro (ma anche meno) riesci a prendere una singola :)
Gianluca Mancini
Written 12 years ago
so,first of all,sorry if i 'speak' english but i'm not so good in spanish,i gotta improve my espanol!
one of my friend just came back in italy from cadiz,and told me few useful informations..
aboute the spanish course... it costs about 150 euros for erasmus students,and i lasts 3 weeks.
then,i looked for some rooms in cadiz and prices are from 200 to 300 euros; try this site to look for in : easypiso com or search on facebook a page called: Oficina de alojamento UCA-ESN Cadiz
keep in mind that university of cadiz has a campus to stay in,but i think it would be better to rent an individual room and be more independent; if you wanna send an email to the accomodation office this is the link:
The first one for campus in cadiz,while the last one in puerto real.
In a few days i'm gonna book my flight-ticket,in the firts week of september.
If you are gonna stay in cadiz in that time,it would be funny to look for a shared apartment to live in together!
bye! :)
Viviana Esposito
Written 12 years ago
I don't want to live in a home alone and I'm looking for someone who wants to share the apartment with me. Who wants to?
Zeynep Alacalı
Written 12 years ago
I am gonna study in Cadiz University for 1year.. I ll be there on Sep. I am from Turkey...
Honestly, i havent started looking for accomadation.. Do you guys have any idea? I wanna live in a flat, i'd be better than residence. How is the price approx.?
I ll be in Cadiz campus and I dont know exactly which part to live...
Miriam Leon
Written 12 years ago
I`m going to Cadiz in september too, at economic science faculty
Antonio Romeu
Written 12 years ago
Hello!!! I offer you 3 bedrooms in casco antiguo. 300 euros per room, all bills included. (all rooms with balcony and windows). Close to the the university 2 minuts by walk and the beach (3 minuts). [email protected]