Betul Okcan
Written 12 years ago
Hey Roman, I will be in Cadiz for fall term. I am looking for room, we should talk about the details. the system doesnt let me to write my e mail :D:D ) here is my FB
Roman Sklenář
Written 12 years ago
Betul, I'm gonna look for a flat with my friend at september... now we don't even know if we are going to be accepted or not and if we will have to pay school fees or not (one of us is not in Erasmus program)...
Betul Okcan
Written 12 years ago
Roman good luck then :D As far as I know Erasmus students pay the fee to their home universities, at least we will do so :D Lets keep in touch ! :)
Marine Condette
Written 12 years ago
Soy francesa y voy a Cadiz en septiembre hasta julio 2013, voy a estudiar historia en el campus de Cadiz. Me gustaría tambien compartir un piso con otros estudiantes Erasmus !
Francesco Salis
Written 12 years ago
Hola a todos!!
Soy un chico italiano estudiante de derecho que serà en Cadiz en septiembre. Me gustaría compartir un piso con otros estudiantes Erasmus y saber informaciones sobra la ciudad!! muchas gracias a todos!
Olga Doruch
Written 12 years ago
Hola chicos!
Did anybody get acceptation letter already?
Does everybody knows spanish well? xD i started half a year ago, studing in Cadiz will be interesting without spanish hahaha xD
Giada Beccati
Written 12 years ago
i don't get the acceptation letter yet..i hope they send it to me soon :/ and i've studied spanish since 2 years :)
Francesco Salis
Written 12 years ago
Hola!! laura i'm searching house near beach too. if yu want we can look house together. i see in the forum that there is a french girl that search house. it could contact here and see something. sorry for my english :D
Kinja Kalimira
Written 12 years ago
hola Fancesco y Laura,
Soy belga y con 3 otras chicas buscamos un piso de 4 habitaciones.
Si os interesa tengo email de dueño de piso de 3 habitaciones...
Saludo y hasta septiembre ;-)
Kinja Kalimira
Written 12 years ago
Oui oui je parle français ^^
Je ne sais plus exactement mais c'est des annonces que j'avais vues (sûrement certaines avec photos et certaines sans). On croyait qu'il y avait 4 chambres mais il n'y en avait que 3 (avec certaines avec lit double).
Donne-moi ton adresse mail, ou si tu as facebook je t'envoie leur adresse mail par là ;-)
Kinja Kalimira
Written 12 years ago
Si claro! Pero hay mucha gente con vuestro nombres sobre facebook :p Podeis añadirme (creo que soy la sola kinja kalimira ^^)
Anonymous .
Written 12 years ago
Hola a todos!
I will be studying History and Spanish at Cádiz starting September (I think?! Does anyone know the exact term dates?) . I haven't recieved my acceptance letter yet, I got an e-mail yesterday saying that my Learning Agreement has gone missing so need to do another one! I have no idea where I am going to stay in Cádiz, would love to share a flat with other Erasmus students, I speak English (obviously), Spanish and quite good French. Please don't hesitate to get in touch, would be good to know some other people before I get out there =)
Svenja Kluge
Written 12 years ago
I come from Germany and I'll study in Cadiz the whole academic year. I'll study administración y dirección de empresas there. I'd like to get in touch with other erasmus students before being in cadiz and i also look for people to share a flat.
So you can add me on facebook if you want :-)
Alice Taylor
Written 12 years ago
Hola a todos :) Ciao a tutti
Vendre' de la universidad de Essex este septiembre y estudio las lenguas.
He mandado emails a algunas direcciones de esta pagina y los precios son entre 200-300 tambien. Fui dicho que San Antonio es una buena parte de la ciudad para vivir :)