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  • Things You Should Never Say To A Languages Student (what I've experienced at my home university)

Things You Should Never Say To A Languages Student (what I've experienced at my home university)

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The 10 things you should never say to a languages student (what I've experienced from my home university, The University of Birmingham)

Blog posts

  • Delayed Response!

    Hello! I have not updated the blog since February, and it's not because things haven't happened, it's because I don't have the time to write down everything I want to say! I have seen that many of you are writing to me asking me questions, now is the time; ) Write all...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Padua 7 years ago
  • Foreword & Small Clarifications

    Start a new experience Arriving almost like a Christmas gift, at the end of December 2015, my official Erasmus notice appeared in my email inbox. Let's just say a few things: My Erasmus experience was one of only 3 months, during which I undertook an internship for a...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Granada 7 years ago

    My University is incredibly academic. We have a range of students, from Medicine to Chemical and Electrical Engineering. And, whilst I don't doubt that their courses are difficult, I feel that languages are often undermined and seen as 'easy options'. Foreign languages...

    0 , in Erasmus blog BHAM 8 years ago

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