
flag-no Kristin Petra H. Hoksrød — 0 people follow the author

When wanderlust is constantly nagging on your back and the world is filled with adventures, grab all the opportunities thrown your way!

Blog posts

  • The Erasmus Bubble

    Here’s the best explanation I can give, on the life as an Erasmus Student. Travelling is a pleasure quite desirable. It’s like a bubble of soap which you blow up. Bigger and bigger, as you fill it with experiences. All who see the bubble fly through the wind see...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hradec Kralove 6 years ago
  • Wonders of the world- a wish list

    This is not a "been there- done that"- post, but an "OMG I WOULD LOVE TO GO THERE SOMETIME!" -post.  As I've kept myself busy planning trips in my dreams, I've managed to write down some wishes from videos I've seen on Facebook, Instagram and other places which I would...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 6 years ago
  • My Croatian Experience

    Zadar, Croatia A co-worker and I decided to spend the fall break traveling. The most important for us was that the travel and accommodation were cheap, and it was by the sea. So, after looking at prices online we found Zadar to be a great place. The city is small,...

    0 , in General 6 years ago
  • Transportation, my experiences

    Transport experiences The greatest thing for me who’s filled with untamed wanderlust is the easy access to anywhere when I’m placed in the middle of Europe. The bus system in Europe is quite good, and I’ve used it a lot. Most of these busses are just as...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 6 years ago
  • Smell the Christmas spirit..

    The time before Christmas shouldn't just be all about finishing exams and packing your bags, it should also be about having fun, being with friends and to get new experiences! If you're studying or having a internship/traineeship abroad during the fall semester this is...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 6 years ago
  • Before you leave...

    Here's some tips for you before you end your mobility abroad: Finish your paper work like Learning Agreement and so on in advance if possible, so you don't have to stress with that in the middle of packing and getting home Critically evaluate how much luggage you have!...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 6 years ago
  • When the end has come....

    Are you stressing around, finishing exams and starting to pack?  It's time to go home!  A semester filled with freindship, love, memories, laughter, travels and new experiences. I've had a lot of great experiences, both with new food, new places, new friends... To be...

    0 , in General 6 years ago
  • Introduction

    I think introdictions are in order! My name is Petra, I'm a 22 (soon to be 23) year old from Norway who was lucky enough to follow the voice of Wanderlust in my head.  This spring I finnished my bachelor in pedagogy, still with no knowledge of what my future brings. I...

    0 , in General 6 years ago

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