Waiting for the flight

Published by flag-pl Łukasz Kisiala — 6 years ago

Blog: Taiwan experience
Tags: General


     2019 already come. From the beginning I promise myself one thing. I will spend it efficiently. Last year I have spend amazing semester through Erasmus project in Almeria. I met so many incredible people whose inspire me, motivate and show new way of life. Life of creativity and spontanous decisions. They become my close friends. During Erasmus we even make barbecue at the beach and create a vision of making regular reunions in Poland. The best part of this story is that nowadays they live here - in Cracov- my home city. They find here work-life balance. I am so grateful. My dreams come true.

   Erasmus in Spain make a big impact on myself. I am looking forward for new opportunity without doubts of making a risk. Even today. Waiting in Dubai for the flight to Taipej. To the place where I will start my next exchange program. New year new decision. This time I am looking forward to learn another culture, expand my horizont of thinking and survive another journey. I can’t wait to be there. New people, new enviroment, new language, new obstacles! I am so excited! Through travelling a learn how to make long distance decisions. I know that even a small project needs engagement, faith and undesrtadning of unexpected coincidences. I want to make a mistakes. Someone smart said- before people went to military service to discover yourself, learn discipline and get necessary knowledge how world exist nowadays travelling giving young generaions the same possibility. I hope this project so far away from home help me to achieve my goals.

   The goals which I wrote on my list during the last day of 2018. I have decided to make this blog to check my results after the programme. I will write about my journey, academic life, mistake and joruney. Step by step to the end. In the end I will summarize and describe what would give me living 10 000 kilometres from home for a semester. Now I have to run for my flight because unfortunately they will not wait for me. #livelovelife

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