An interview on how to flirt

So now it is time, after the last two interviews where I spoke about the city Łódź (where I am now on my Erasmus placement in case you didn't know), that I am going to interview (and for the moment I will stop the interviews and write more about my Erasmus experience), an expert in flirting who will give us his best advice on how to succeed during these certain situations. More often than not, the response from women is 'no'. We are obviously only talking about a man's situation here, as it is so much easier for women to flirt (of course there are exceptions as it can be the other way around but this isn't common) so we are just focusing on men in this article.

The person in question, is a man in his twenties, whose name we won't disclose because of obvious reasons (people are very envious of him), and who is spending his Erasmus year in Poznań. I met him recently and checked that it was completely okay that I published this. Considered a master of seduction, he has been successful with seventeen women in only two and a half months. I speak Polish, which will be the subject matter here. Without further ado, here I leave the secrets of this Don Juan:

What do you think of Polish women?

Incredible, simply amazing. They are very, very beautiful, there isn't an inbetween, they are either very beautiful or very ugly, although normally most of them are beautiful. I would say that most of them are above average, although having said that, I do think that a beautiful Spanish woman is better than a beautiful Polish woman.

But of course, they do have some faults. I have read in your blog your opinion on Polish women in Łódź, and it is true that they complicate everything more than women in Spain do. Personally, I accepted to be questioned and do this interview because I believe that we can seduce women successfuly and not end up in places such as a stripteases, going home to bed, or the casino. You have to be careful with the cheaters, of course, if you find yourself with an amazing woman but a cheater compared to you, be careful, its best to not even go there.

So to finish, Polish women do not just have beautiful eyes, but also their legs and their bodies in general are beautiful. What's more is that they are usually very nice and polite.

How long have you been good at talking to women?

Since secondary school, when I started to go out with my friends. I remember the first time I went out, I got talking to a woman quite a few years older than me, I was on cloud number nine. I was around 17 but I told her I was studying law and I was older. The second week I went out, I managed to get even further with a woman, so I cannot complain. Since then, I started to realise that I was good at this, and I started to do it more often, so when I got to university, I became a Don Juan, a sort of James Bond. I consider myself as quite a flirty person; there are some women that find me gorgeous, others attractive, but I honestly believe that what matters the most is proving that you deserve it. It makes no difference whether you are beautiful or strong, the most important thing to do is to show her that you are worth it, and if she doesn't want anything to do with you, well then it is her loss. That is my philosophy and what works.

What do you think the most important thing is when flirting with a woman?

Like I said before, the key is showing that you are a someone worthy, someone mysterious, and of course women are attracted by this. So how do you do it? Well, first you have to watch the woman who you want to make a move on, and completely analyse her behaviour. In just a few minutes you will know exactly what they look for and what they want from a man, and that is what you're going to give them. Because every woman is different, you just have to know what each one wants to make them happy.

Know that at first, you will make mistakes, and of course throughout life we all make mistakes, but I am that you will improve in time. You will reach a stage where you will be successful with eight out of ten women.

What is the most important thing when flirting with a Polish woman?

Patience and perseverance. And of course, watching and finding out what a woman looks for in a man is essential. If you don't stay relaxed and persevere then nothing is going to happen. At the start, nobody is going to be interested in you, and you might get it wrong quite a few times. But you can't give up, you just have to modify your technique each time. There is nothing particularly important about it, and although I have managed to get with up to sixteen Polish women in just two and a half months, most of it is down to luck. The technique changes quite a bit depending on the woman and I am normally not as successful with women from different countries. I don't want to depress anyone with this, because the key factors stay the same, and finding the right way to approach a woman is difficult because you never know if it is going to work eventually. But if you play it right, and you are successful with a horrible Polish woman, you just have to stay positive and look forward and keep going until you reach your end goal. Flirting is easy, women are impressionable, and Polish women get close to you and touch you, rather than talk to you. Just being Spanish helps a lot, but of course, this isn't solely enough to be fully successful with a woman... And clearly, there is often a catch. You might have been dancing and flirting with someone for a while and you think you've done it, but at the last minute she tells you she has to look for her friends and leaves. She might ask for your facebook, but what is the point? You haven't got what you wanted so you will have to find another way of making it work.

In short, I would say that observing the woman you want to talk to and being confident is the best way to approach Polish women. You have to watch her and and try and salsa dance with her even if you have no idea how to, keep trying until you get told no. And you should not despair, if you get with lots of Polish women, it is normal for the time to come that you don't want to get with anymore, but I have to say that it is worth it and you will not regret it afterwards.

How do you make the first move?

The truth is that the first contact you have with the woman is the most important point of the whole plan, and if you get it wrong at the start then you have no hope. You have to approach her smiling, but most of all show that you are trusting and respectful. Respect is another primary factor when talking to Polish women, acting like a gentleman is very important.

If they see you dancing close by, and just talk to them without making a move, they will trust you and accept you more, and they will think about making the first move. If you treat them with respect, make them laugh, and above anything you are sexy, they will make a move on you even if you're not expecting it.

Act like a gentleman. I have to add that the majority of young women can speak English so just knowing the basics helps you a lot. But for those that don't, don't worry, because I don't know how to and it isn't a problem with Polish women.

When you have enough confidence, and you take her hand and she allows it, the first step has been a success. Now the second step is most important which is knowing how to navigate the situation. People who have no sense of rhythm or cannot keep eye contact well, can forget this step, because what matters most is knowing how to get her away from the crowd and talk to her. The language is not in my favour at this point, so that's why I make the most of using eye contact, dancing, and self-confidence. In the end, if she does not want anything more to do with you, well it makes no difference, you have to believe in yourself and have respect for yourself, and realise that you deserve something better. Think about it the next time you ask a woman out, because if it is not worth it, you are just wasting your time and effort.

At what point do you kiss her?

Hmmm, to be honest that is a difficult question, because there is no perfect moment. After this and that, then you take her by the waist and bam, done. No, it doesn't work like that, what you have to do is stay calm and don't let your feelings get involved, be patient and just wait for the best moment. She will tell you physically when is the best moment, so do not rush... I'm sure it will happen. A smile and eye contact are more than enough to start to process.

Is there a particular outfit or style that will help?

The truth is no, in fact those who wear smarter clothes don't flirt more than those in a T-shirt... and more men do just wear casual clothes anyway. You will not get judged on which clothes you wear, don't worry. But it doesn't hurt to wear a shirt from time to time.

Speaking or actions?

Definitely actions. With Polish women, it is better to speak to them normally, but they are used to men not speaking much and just making a move straight away. They know that Polish men are different to other men so it is best to be confident which you can show more easily through actions rather than talking. You can't lie with body language, and words are gone with the wind so...

Finally, the last question of the interview...

What are the best things and the worst things about Polish women?

The best thing, it is simple, their beautiful eyes, toned bodies and of course their smiles.

The worst thing is that they are quite serious, and they don't like you messing around with them, so the only thing I would say is that.

Well thank you very much for the advice my friend and I hope you continue just as well as you have been doing. Well I hope that this guy who is on his Erasmus placement in Poznań has helped some of you even if I can't say his name due to obvious reasons.

An interview on how to flirt

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