I was, I'm, I'll be...

flag-ba Maja Kalinic — 2 people follow the author

We have to seek, to be found.

Blog posts

  • An email that changed my life

    An email that changed my life Hi guys! It’s been a while indeed that I haven’t posted anything, but as you may assume this is not live (even though I would like it to be and kind of heading towards it to become). I had my exams time here so that’s why I didn’t...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 8 years ago
  • I know what I want, but what now...

    Hi again, I hope you guys had good and quality time exploring your possible destinations and desired masters. And I hope you did find what you want since this story is devoted to what comes after you decide to go. I promise this is the second and last post that deals...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 8 years ago
  • It's time to step forward!

    How to start? I would like to keep this blog as a personal diary, make it more emotional, more acceptable to everyone interested in my Erasmus story. However, some additional information, advices and hints would be included for those who step forward and join me and our...

    0 , in Erasmus scholarships 8 years ago

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