Europe from an Egyptian point of view

flag-eg Passant Ahmed Rezk — 0 people follow the author

A travel blog written by an Egyptian, Muslim, girl in Europe will probably not contain your typical kind of travel stories.. and nope nothing racist!

Blog posts

  • It only gets better!

    The travelling day The human brain is so interesting when it comes to big life changes . My emotions were on a long roller-coaster ride. I was so excited to leave but I was very scared that I was leaving my family and friends for 6 months. My friend was coming with me...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 5 years ago
  • Meet Passant

    Travel experiences are like fingerprints one is never like the other. The whole mix of who the traveller is, his background, his thoughts and his reactions are what make each and every story special. Since I am going to be the main character in my stories it is...

    0 , in General 5 years ago

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