What to do when an Erasmus is bored?
First of all, I must say that if you are bored while you are on the Erasmus program it is only your fault, and only because you want. And it's not only that you have infinitude of things to do on one day, even you should ask for more time for all that you would like to do every day along the year. So, we must go on and be active to try to solve this "problem".
Before giving several opinions about how me must spend our time, we should ask ourselves what happens when a day seems to have thirty six hours and not the normally twenty four. Because if I start to talk, being bored sound nearly impossible. We can say that we spend sleeping about 8 hours, while we take a shower and dress we waste another hour more. With all the meals of the day, while we prepare them we waste at least two hours and with any another action we spend one hour more. Until now we have already spend twelve hours every day and without realizing we have lost half of a day with no chance to choose what to do. Now we have the another half, and if we have a "calm" schedule of four hours per day and adding another one more while you go to the faculty and you come back, results in that we have already spend seventeen hours of the day. We only have seven more to start again our project. It doesn't seems too much now, does it?
So, until now, the total of seventeen of twenty four hours of one day you spend in "obligations" and you just have seven more to have fun. How can you get bored if you only have seven free hours per day? Maybe I am very optimistic because that time while you are going to sleep, getting up, etc. would be one hour more and we would only have six hours. But, I was forgetting something..., the mobile phone and the computer; it's difficult not to take a look at them every day, spending at least one hour for both.
Note: maybe I am exaggerating, but they are not too far from reality, thus relax all of us have more than five hours per day (but neither more than seven, do not get confused).
Time goes on very fast and we can´t realize it, but there are still people that decide to get bored... there are only five hours man!, don´t you know how to spend them? So now I´m going to suggest you thirteen good combinations to spend that five free hours that Erasmus people have.
Ok, maybe you can suffer a "polakinha", maybe the probability of picking up on the corridor of your dormitory is not very high, but they won´t come to you like teenagers (well if you are a woman it could happen), so you must do something. This is not a bad way to spend your five hours, but attention, don´t do it every day or you would be a pain in the neck. Little by little you will be better in these issues and even you could become a crack on this.
Note: if you already have boyfriend or girlfriend forget this point, because they won´t think that it is funny to spend your five hours doing this.
The interesting point of this is the opinion of the other person, because not only you can know how mad he/she is, you can also take good ideas.
Note: as you are going to try to win, think also that it would be wonderful to go to Olympic Games, but think also in a sport in which you will have enough money to live, and no as David Cal, winner of lots of medals in "K500" and "K1000" and that now is making tuna's spots to survive.
But, how can I get multimillionaire? If I would know the magic formula I won´t tell you, but I can explain some ideas that could help you:
A) Buying-selling: it is as easy as buy cheap and sell expensive. But don´t think that you have just discovered the business of your life, because all shops in the world have the same aim. So search something very cheap, with a good demand that allows you to sell it at a bigger price. Of course it is not very easy but I encourage you to try it.
B) Inventing something: of course something that doesn´t exist yet, no way of something that we think that doesn´t exist and when we find it on google, tad-ah!, there is another "smart" Japanese that has already invented it. It has to be something good, original, that makes people even more lazy (shaver, remote control, washing machine, etc. ). It is not easy but with the five free hours that we have on a day, should be enough to think in a good idea. But, don´t tell people or it will appear another "smart" Japanese ready to copy your invention.
C) Creating events: organize events or competitions in which you could win a commission because of your idea. A good idea it would be make a party on a bus (good idea was ironic). Sell the tickets for 5 euros to 110 people and you will have 550 euros. It has to be no longer than two hours, and after this you can leave all the people on the suburbs and in front of a bar so like this they can continue spending. The owner of the bar would have to pay you the value of the rent of the buses and the driver, so like this you would win 550 euros in a night (actually in two hours) and you can go to bed with the satisfaction that you have convinced tens of students to pay for it.
D) Casino/Bets: is the less recommended idea, because here the risk is higher, and you can´t only win less money, if not you can loss while you are trying to win it. The value expectations are not high and it is not advisable for those that can't control their emotions. You can´t neither bet all in one option, a color or a match, due to every team could lose one day, and for sure if you bet all for that team and they are unbeatable, they will lose ("pure mathematics"). Thus if you want to take risk in one of this stuffs you can, but it is just an idea so then don´t say that I didn't advised you.
E) Working: well, maybe this is the worst of all the ideas, because the desires to work when you are on Erasmus should be null. Moreover, you only have five hours free so it would be complicated to find a job for this time and on the other hand, your wages would be low. For example, in Poland it's 300€ working just five hours. You would finish very tired, without any free time and earning a misery. If you want to earn money on a safe way this the best of all the ideas I have listed here, because when you are hired they will pay you for sure. Also you are not going to get bored, the problem is to find a job in Poland, where the unemployment rate is about 13%.
Well, these are only a few of ideas to not get bored being Erasmus, but there are still lots of ideas to avoid this problem, so.... to be continued!
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Content available in other languages
- Español: ¿Qué hacer cuando un Erasmus está aburrido?
- Français: Que faire quand un Erasmus est ennuyant?
- Italiano: Cosa fare quando l'Erasmus è noioso
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Comments (4 comments)
K guayyy
Your advice is shit.
Thanks Alba, all your arguments are totally convincing, you are very helpful! :)
No problem! ;)