Laughable Invention

Published by flag- Victor Ekuri — 8 years ago

Blog: AV Dicey
Tags: Erasmus news

Funny inventions in my country. As a student thought of something more efficient than the apple company products.

 He'd spent time trying to come up with new superceeding ideas that could compare with the Apple products.

Even though,he's got an idea, he lacks the technicality of putting his ideas into a functioning and selling one.

He's funny inventions in my country. As a student thought of something more efficient than the apple company products.

 He'd spent time trying to come with new superceeding ideas that could compare with the Apple products.

Even though,he's got an idea, he lacks the technicality of putting his ideas into a functioning and selling one.

He's funny invention could cause laughter but never attract business clients or customers.

  the pics herein, is the boys invention.... see it for yourself.

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