Published by flag- Yeva Almast — 7 years ago

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The exam is always a stress for the learner  essay help. And it does not matter if you learned or did not learn all the stuff. Particularly spoils the nerves of the written exam, and in particular testing. We will consider how to keep your nerves and successfully pass the test.

1. First of all, you need to prepare in advance, everyone understands perfectly that if there is no knowledge in the head, then it's not necessary to think about the successful passing of the test, here at least be nervous, though not nervous, to rely on luck in this case is not necessary. Therefore, we take all force into a fist and teach the subject. You need to teach it beforehand, and not the night before the test. To teach all night before testing is strictly forbidden, you not only will not have time to learn the material, but you will feel extremely unsatisfactory, which will prevent you from getting together and taking the test. At the same time, psychologists advise you not to repeat it at the time you learned the material on the night before the test, you will not get any new knowledge, but you will still be nervous.

2. Sleep. Before the test, you need to sleep well in order to get up in the morning with a fresh head and start the task. If the nerves prevent you from falling asleep, the psychologist is advised to drink warm milk for the night or, on an extreme occasion, valerian pills that will calm your nerves and help you fall asleep. Do not go to bed late, sleep should be eight, and at best, nine-hour. The brain will work better, there will be a rush of strength.

3. Calm. No matter how stupid and not sounded, but calm will help. Why be nervous, if the subject is learned, then it is not necessary to be nervous, but if the object is left unattended, then it makes no sense to be nervous. Therefore, as a well-known character from the beloved Soviet cartoon said: "Calm, only calm."

4. Get distracted. Yes, it's distracting, testing is not the end of the world, so the day before testing you need to shine your beloved, go to the movies, meet friends, take a walk, but remember that you must go to this day in advance.

5. An important rule is eating before an important day. Do not eat anything greasy so that there is no discomfort. Suitable snacks that will not create gravity.

6. Clothes. Prepare in advance the clothes in which you will go for testing. It is important to remember that it should be comfortable, do not hamper your movements. Look after the weather, so that you in the audience were comfortable, not hot and not cold, otherwise thoughts will not be about the test.

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