1001 ways to fall in love with Croatia

flag-ir Saba Jalali — 0 people follow the author

the tale of my journey through Croatia. One for the ages

Blog posts

  • Day trips from Split

    I guess it's time to finish up writing about Split before all the details of it start slipping from my mind. Don’t get me wrong, this trip was one of the most memorable trips I had ever taken in my entire life but you know the human memory is faulty and I’d hate to...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Split 6 years ago
  • My experience watching the world cup in Croatia

    Experience watching the world cup in Split, Croatia I'm not a big football fan. The only games I watched were the Iran games in the World Cup and that was just to show support for my country and also to crush over the boys. I mean after all there was an entire article...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Split 6 years ago
  • The best beaches in Split

    The best beaches in Split Like I mentioned before, the best beaches in Split are actually in the nearby islands; however Split’s still got a bunch of spots that can manage to blow your mind. We went to three different beaches in Split itself, and I would absolutely...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Split 6 years ago
  • What's there to do in Split?

    What’s there to do in Split? If you ask me that question, I’d say just sit down in the promenade and enjoy the freaking view. Why do we always have to do so many extra activities, why can’t it just be about enjoying the moment? Yes you see that, I have make...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Split 6 years ago
  • Going from Zagreb to Split

    Going from Zagreb to Split So the next day we left Zagreb and got on a bus to travel to split. I got the tickets from Flixbus bus application for like 16 Euros per person, that’s a pretty affordable fare. Like I said the bus station in Zagreb was easily accessible and...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Split 6 years ago
  • What's there to do in Zagreb?

    What’s there to do in Zagreb? The answer to this might surprise you! Or not, it just depends on whether you’re easily surprised or not. But the answer is: No! there isn’t much to do in Zagreb, I knew that before we left for Zagreb and that’s why I only planned...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Zagreb 6 years ago
  • Traveling from Budapest to Zagreb

    Travelling to Croatia from Budapest: Okay, so I came back from Croatia about a week ago, I would say it was by far one of the best trips I had ever taken. I could use up all the good adjectives in the English dictionary to describe this country and everything that it...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Zagreb 6 years ago

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