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Erasmus Experience in Birmingham, United Kingdom by Marc

Why did you choose to go to Birmingham, United Kingdom?

It's a good place to work on your English, learn about a new culture and have a good time. I believe that I made the correct decision, I don't regret it at all.

Erasmus Experience in Birmingham, United Kingdom by Marc

The city of Birmingham


How long was the scholarship? How much money did you receive as help?

In my case, there are two scholarships: the European one in which you're given 1500 euros in two installments and the Catalan one called AGUAR which totals 1000 euros. This scholarships were of huge help to me in terms of being able to live well and travel around the UK.

Erasmus Experience in Birmingham, United Kingdom by Marc

University of Birmingham campus


How is student life in Birmingham?

Student life is fantastic, you can always meet students in the pubs, nightclubs, and there are all sorts of societies (extracurricular clubs provided by the university)... I recommend looking for a flat with friends in Selly Oak which is the neighbourhood where the majority of students live, either in houses or flats. You have everything you need in this neighbourhood and the atmosphere is very nice and pleasant.

Erasmus Experience in Birmingham, United Kingdom by Marc

Selly Oak


Would you recommend the city and the University of Birmingham to other students?

Absolutely. Although Birmingham is the second biggest city in England, you can get to know it really well in two or three days and little by little you'll feel at home.

How's the country's food?

In truth they have everything. Fish and Chips is a typical dish there, but you can also eat an array of different restaurants, serving food from other countries, such as Mexico (Mission Burrito), America (Five Guys), France (Café Rouge)...plus the pubs are very pretty and the food isn't too expensive.

Erasmus Experience in Birmingham, United Kingdom by Marc

Erasmus Experience in Birmingham, United Kingdom by Marc

Mission Burrito Birmingham


Erasmus Experience in Birmingham, United Kingdom by Marc

Five Guys have hamburgers


Was it hard to find accommodation in Birmingham?

My flatmates and I had a bit of trouble finding somewhere as we were only in Birmingham for 6 months, but if you're staying for the whole academic year, there's much more available. So, it basically means looking around until you find a flat or house.

How much does it cost to live in Birmingham?

Taking into account what I said about living there here with friends, almost everyone pays between 300 and 380 pounds a month.

How was the language? Did you go to a language course at the university?

I didn't do any sort of course. It seems that if you go to England on Erasmus it's because you already know how to speak English enough to study here. So, at first you do have to adjust a little to the British accent, but after you will get used to it.

Erasmus Experience in Birmingham, United Kingdom by Marc

The university


What's the cheapest way of getting to Birmingham from your home city?

Flying with Ryanair, it's obviously the cheapest option.

What places would you recommend for a night out in Birmingham?

There are really good clubs with 3 or 4 different rooms such as Pryzm or 6 on Broad Street. There are always people there on Fridays and Saturdays and you have a great time, although they close at 3:30 in the morning, much earlier than in Spain.

Erasmus Experience in Birmingham, United Kingdom by Marc

Students in the club '6 on Broad Street'


There are really good pubs which are great if you want to grab a beer, such as S'Oak which is in Selly Oak or Snobs which is in the centre, next to the Bullring (a shopping centre).

Erasmus Experience in Birmingham, United Kingdom by Marc


What about eating out in Birmingham? Can you tell us your favourite places?

My favourite places are: Five Guys (which is inside the Bullring shopping centre), and a pub on Corporation Street, also in the centre, called The Square Peg, highly recommended, very British, magnificent, with a good atmosphere and great prices even though it seems very sophisticated from the outside.

Erasmus Experience in Birmingham, United Kingdom by Marc

The Square Peg


What about for a cultural visit?

We haven't done many cultural visits, apart from trips to places around Birmingham like London, Cambridge or Oxford.

Erasmus Experience in Birmingham, United Kingdom by Marc



Do you have any advice to give to students coming to Birmingham?

You have to come to Birmingham, it's an ideal city for students, to get to know new people, new places, face new challenges and explore England essentially, also the 'National Express' buses are very cheap and can take you all over the UK at a low price. In our case, we got a return trip to London for 8 pounds each on the bus! It's really worth it!

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