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Erasmus blog Birmingham

  • Going on a night out in Birmingham

    Well, I don't know if you are aware, but Birmingham is a university city; for that reason, it has such a great student lifestyle. You won't ever get bored here. Pubs to go to Sacks of Potatoes: this pub is at the Aston University campus. If you take out a student card...

    0 , 4 years ago

    Hello, hello! How are you? Its already September and it seems like it has come around so fast! Only a few days ago we were on the beach, and now, after a blink of an eye the daily grind has arrived once more for most people... Except for those very fortunate human...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • University of Birmingham

    The University of Birmingham is very different to the one in Zaragoza. There is green grass, well looked after; evergreen trees and small bushes; ivy in the facades of the buildings; small paths between the gardens; an enormous library, nearly as tall as the main...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Back in Bham/Brum

    Birmingham, Bham, Brum, it doesn't matter if you call it by its full name, its official abbreviation, or the affectionate diminutive used by its inhabitants or by those who consider this city their home. I'm back in Birmingham on my Erasmus exchange after three very...

    0 , 8 years ago

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