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Erasmus in Berlin

Published by flag-tr cihad Balkaya — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-de Erasmus experiences Berlin, Berlin, Germany


                                   As a dream  “ Berlin “

Germany had always attract me to been and visit in my university days  that why I had already decide to visit this interesting  country . I were studying eletrical enginnering in my bachloor degree maybe that's why I had interested in visiting there because when somone says engineering ; we were always mention about technology in germany . So my first visiting to germany was one of summer intership which I did in 2018 at Essen-Germay . İn this way our story with germany had started , after that summer  internship I came back my home university than  just think and say myself ‘’yeah I should come back again , this story  couldnt finish as short ‘’ for first time I started search some compay about my field yet I did change my decision  about field that I wish do internship, becasue I would doing as vollentere which I had never did , and finally I got one opportuntiy in Berlin as Erasmus+ Cordinator , the company that  accept me as volunteer for Erasmus cordinator position was about Education consulting call as prEUnec GmbH .After all agremment between my home university and company I applied for visa and our story had started again … after ten days I got my visa and just try to finish last preparation about my new jounry to amazing Berlin.Finally when calendars show 2 of july, I was waiting for my fly to Berlin with a little bit excitement.  After I arrive to berlin we start as soon to with our colleagues , me and Mr.Karaca copporation as cordinator but not just Mr karaca I always pround  with our team to be piece of  success in that company …

Well Erasmus live had started with our first day , we always been different and so colourful activites in Berlin , it was totally erasmus and erasmus live . Evrey student should join to Erasmus network becasue it make you great and social person  than the other students which  is  just studying and take exam , pass exeam  bla bla bla ... if you wanna make differance you have to consider different and make another perspective in your live and one of huge important you should  create your self confidence by yoursef  , no one can't help about this , erasmus one of big chance to get self confidence and bulding large perspective. There is no doubt that Erasmus make you more than you and ,as for as I am concerned you worth to give you chance..

As Mark Twain says : “ Twenty years from now you wil be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines .Sail away from the safe harbor catch the trade winds in your sails “


''Explore Dream Discover ''

Cihat Balakaya | [email protected]

Some photos from summer ...

Erasmus in Berlin

Reichstag (Deutscher Bundestag – Plenarbereich Reichstagsgebäude ) 

Erasmus in Berlin

The East Side Gallery is an open-air gallery in  Berlin 

Erasmus in Berlin

Berlin Cathedral | Oberpfarr- und Domkirche zu Berlin 

Erasmus in Berlin

From Hamburg  journey

Erasmus in Berlin

From Poland journey

Erasmus in Berlin

Our Great Team :) 

Erasmus in Berlin

Reception at Turkish Consulate in Berlin 

Erasmus in Berlin

One meeting in Türkisch-Deutsche Unternehmervereinigung e.V.



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