Discovering Berlin and learning German
This August I went to Berlin... I am traveller and I stayed in Berlin for 3 months. It was an amazing experience. In August and September the weather was really nice and I didn't miss the south Europe so much, as I am used to travel.
Berlin doesn't seem to resemble to any other capital city. It is such a unique city with people from all over the world that just come to enjoy Berlin's hidden beauty and of course the awesome nightlife. Long rides with the bicycle, walks in the amazingly beautiful Tiergarten, visiting many museums were most of my day activities in Berlin.
Of course as a foreigner in the beginning everything seems difficult and strange. But this was something that didn't last long. When I arrived to Berlin, I didn't know anyone there and didn't speak much German too. So I went to a German language school, to Deutschakademie, where most of my social life began, and I started intensive courses. I got close to wonderful people there, who I was meeting everyday in my language course and after the course we were discovering Berlin.
In the school we had every 2 weeks something arranged like a get together in nice restaurant bars, or walks in the city with the rest of the school so I never felt alone or bored. Every meeting was a nice opportunity to meet new people and exercise my German that by the way was really improving day by day. I liked the way of teaching there, as we all in the class started communicating with each other quickly. I felt literally confident with my German from the second month. For me is very important to learn the language in the country that I am even for some months, because I feel that I am coming closer to the culture, to the people and to their way of thinking. Although in Berlin you can also live and communicate only in English, it is a nice way for me to start my life in a foreign country by learning the language.
For the moment I am not in Berlin anymore but I would love to do the same thing one more time and to improve even more my German. I hope that I will have this opportunity next year and I wish for anybody who is doing the same just 'Viel Spaß haben'!
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Content available in other languages
- Italiano: Scoprire Berlino e imparare il tedesco
- Nederlands: Berlijn ontdekken en Duits leren
- Polski: Odkrywanie Berlina i nauka niemieckiego
- Español: Descubriendo Berlín y aprendiendo alemán
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Comments (1 comments)
If you search for german courses look into
I learned a lot there.