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Erasmus Experience in Berlin, Germany by Zeno

Published by flag-be zeno mac corto bonduelle — 4 years ago

0 Tags: flag-de Erasmus experiences Berlin, Berlin, Germany


Why did you choose to go to Berlin, Germany?

I had been to Berlin a couple of times before, it just really felt like I had to live there for a while. Getting an erasmus scholarship was merely a means to do so.. I liked Berlin for the relaxed atmosphere, the parties, the interesting mix of people.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

I received 300 euro per month, which I used entirely to cover the rent of my appartment.

What is the student lifestyle like in Berlin?

I guess there are different kinds of people who enjoy different kind of things. If you are into big erasmus parties then I'm sure you can find those in Berlin too. But Berlin has so many things going on besides that.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Berlin to other students?

Absolutely. Go to Berlin with an open mind and not too many expectations, and you will be happily surprised. The University is great, but located a bit far away from everything else. One tip: whatever you do, do not rent an apartment close to the campus. They may be cheaper, but the location is bad and super far away from the nice Berlin life. Also the area of campus housing is more expensive anyway, so your living expenses will rise. I didn't live there myself, but I never met anyone who was happily living there so let that be a warning for you all.

What is the food like?

Good, relatively cheap too.

Street food in Berlin is really good. Always carry a bottle of beer when you're going somewhere.

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Berlin?

It cost me money and time. I was lucky because I knew some people who had a free room in their apartment. But looking for an apartment or room in a shared apartment (WG) in Berlin can be really difficult.


How much does it cost to live in Berlin?

Depends on your lifestyle.. Here are some prices to consider:

  • +- 300 euro rent/month for a reasonable sized room in a nice area
  • +- 1 euro per beer (0. 5l) in a street shop
  • +- 3 euro for a döner
  • +- 10 euro entrance to a club
  • +- 3, 5 euro for beer in a club
  • 0, 54 euro for 1 liter of fresh milk in supermarket

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

German was relatively easy to learn for me, having Dutch as my mother tongue.

There are language courses available for free, don't forget to register in time though.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Berlin from your city?

Hitchhiking, which I did quite a lot! Brussels - Berlin usually took me about 9 hours which isn't bad in my opinion. One time it took me 20 hours, which was painful. But if you are not under huge time pressure, hitchhiking is the way to go. (a tips: don't go standing somewhere with a cardbord sign, waiting for someone to stop. Instead: talk to people at gas stations, ask them personally if you could ride with them! )

Carpooling can be a good option too! Websites like eurostop are often used by people who travel between Belgium and Berlin. In Germany, the websites 'mitfahrgelegenheit' and 'bessermitfahren' are very popular.

I flew a couple of times with easyjet, which can be very cheap if you are in luck.

There are also busses (eurolines and the like) which can be cheap if you book in advance.

The train is convenient, but really expensive if you don't book in advance.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Berlin?

There are so many places, honestly I wouldn't know where to start. Also I think you should put some effort into discovering the nightlife so I'm not going to tell you here. Talk to people and keep your ears open, you will encounter some cool places soon enough!


And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Berlin?

This I will gladly share with you!

  • Hühnerhaus (next to Görlitzer park), half a roasted chicken with fries and/or salad. protip: ask for the knoblauchsauce! price: they changed their prices but I think it's still less then 5 euro
  • Burgeramt (Boxhagener platz). Home made burgers, what need I say more? price: between 3 and 7 euro
  • Nil (grünbergerstrasse near Warschauerstrasse). Sudanese food, very tasty. Try the Nil Chicken im brot with erdnussauce, simply delicious. Price: 3-5 euro
  • Pomodorino & Saporito (Strassmanstrasse 21). One is the Pizza joint, the other is for authentic Italian food. The pizza is just perfect, fresh, cheap and awesome. The restaurant next door (same owner) serves really classic Italian food and is pricy for Berlin standards, but still not extremely so. Very nicely decorated, cosy athmosphere! Both were a personal favorite. Price: 2 euro per pizza slice (2 or 3 and you're full! ) and around 10-15 euro for a dish at the restaurant
  • Kébabs: Everyone has their own favorite Döner place, so just try as many as possible and you will find your special one. Of course Mustafa's at mehringdam is a classic, and the one hour wait can be worth it.. but there are many other döner places which are equally good and don't require waiting for so long

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

The city of Berlin in itself is a cultural and historical site!

Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Berlin in the future?

Learn German, don't behave like a tourist, don't go clubbing with large groups, don't be upset when you are refused entry at a club - just go somewhere else and try again in the morning, learn German, don't speak English/Spanish very loud, say how everything is amaaaazing, be nice to people and most of all: enjoy the hell out of it.


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