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Erasmus experience in Bath, United Kingdom by Sonia

Erasmus experience in Bath, United Kingdom by Sonia


Why did you choose to go to Bath, United Kingdom?

I searched for a city within England but that was not too big, I think that is better when you are going on Erasmus. My university had two options; Birmingham or Bath. Therefore, I stuck with Bath, I saw that it was very cool and also it was more to the South, so it should be less cold!

How long was the scholarship? How much financial support did you receive?

I was there for 8 months. It depends a little bit on the community in which you are and the year that you are there. I also had help for being a ministry scholar, but I think it was about 180 / month, then another 200 / month to be a ministry scholar, 112 euros (in total) by the Alcalá de Henares, the Community of Madrid did not give a euro and I think the European Union gave me another 100 or so.

What is student life like in Bath?

Bath is 100% a university city. It has two universities, Bath Spa and the University of Bath. Perhaps Bath Spa has people who are a little more "alternative", and the other is a little more cocky (that is where I went). So the ambience is very studenty, the universities there are like little cities and the city also has loads of places to visit and places where you can go out and plan to meet people. On the other hand, you have Bristol 15 minutes away by train, which for me is a very very good city to visit as an Erasmus as well (it is bigger than Bath but with a more cosmopolitan ambience you could say).

Would you recommend the city and the university of Bath to other students?

The university, of course, it is another world to the universities in Spain, as least compared to mine. It works you pretty hard. In general, all of the Erasmus that were there spent hours in the library, but it is very worth it. Of course, I also recommend the city. It is impressive, it is a city where the first time you get off the train and you see it and you think you are in a story or the time there stopped many many years ago, it is very very pretty, particularly all of the canals and surrounding rivers which are very cool. The atmosphere of the city is also very recommended. Well, as you know, Europeans spend less of their life outside of the street that the Spanish and England was not going to be an exception and, of course, it is not a city like London, but they do not lack things to do and to go to, you will not get bored that is for certain.

Erasmus experience in Bath, United Kingdom by Sonia


What is the food like in England?

Well eating out, as you know, is not very good. In the university they provide junk food whether you want it or not. Perhaps the Chinese restaurant is the healthiest (yes, there are various restaurants). And the rest of the city, there is typical English food like fish and chips etc.. I liked a place that was called Lamb&Lyon a lot (if someone goes there in the end, remember that it is one of the cheapest English pubs there and I ate pretty well, the menu was pleasant, you could eat steak and vegetables). In terms of the food that you can make at home, they sell practically everything in the supermarket (I recommend the big Sainsbury's) so as far as you choose. The food is more expensive than here but the difference is not that big. I bought olive oil for a price similar to here.

Was it difficult to find accommodation in Bath?

Very. This was the worst thing. I arrived without having anything sorted and I spent a week in a hostel and in the end I had to go to the university literally crying and begging that they give me a room of some sort. My recommendation; talk to the university in plenty of time so they can give you information about the halls of residence (they are expensive, this is city is very touristy, a little cocky and expensive, very expensive). It is normal for people to spend 4 months in the halls of residence and then in the second semester search for a flat within those four months (I did it backwards). The halls of residence don't have many rules, they are pretty much like mini apartments where you share the kitchen, and the bathroom in some cases. The private accommodation is a little more complicated... I recommend you check pages such as Gumtree, easyroommate and pages alike. It its easier to find one room that an entire flat (if you are not English you can rent an entire flat but the paperwork and what you have to pay all blow because you don't have guarantors in the UK, it is a joke). So this is the most f***ed up theme that exists, do it with a lot of time.

How much does it cost to live in Bath?

I paid between 320-400 GBP / month for accommodation. It is normal to pay 380-400 GBP, like many, for accommodation. The transport is cheap because you only have to get a bus voucher to go to the university (and that bus goes from tip to tip in Bath, so it is perfect). I think that they were 60 pounds for 3 months. Also, there is a train card that is 20 pounds, I believe, and it gives you a discount of 1/3 off for a year with any ticket. You also spend money on food, in the end you spend hours in the uni because the schedules are a bit rubbish and you end up eating there, and 5 pounds is not cheap. If you buy food, I used to do weekly shopping for 60 pounds or so and I had food left over for more days but good food depends on each person. Also, what it is to go out and travel, that and each one, if it costs 3-5 pounds to enter somewhere and the cups (birthday glasses), I think they were 3-5 pounds too.

How was the language? Did you enrol in a course at the university?

I went to English courses during the year that I was also validated for by free credits. There are various courses for vocabulary, grammar, speaking informally or formally, and the best thing is that there are completely free Cambridge Courses (because if you go on Erasmus you have everything paid for you hehe). So you can sign up although they do no validate them. The language in Bath is very good, there are not unusual accents and you can understand the English quite well.

Erasmus experience in Bath, United Kingdom by Sonia


What is the cheapest way to get to Bath from your home town?

I travelled from Madrid with Ryanair/EasyJet to London and then I took an hour and a half train to Bath. Also, there are EasyJet flights to Bristol, which is right next to it. However, the plane from Madrid arrives very late, at 11 pm and if it was delayed you missed the last train or you took a taxi or you stayed there (well in the end I discovered that I think that it had a bus that ran as well). On the way back I always flew from Bristol to Madrid.

Which places do you recommend for going out in Bath?

There are various clubs and typical parties. I went to Opa on Wednesdays a lot, where all of the Erasmus went (the Spanish party for Erasmus, how strange), Second Bridge on Fridays, or Weir Lounge. These were more typical nightclubs. Then it had a place that we liked a lot which was the Porters, which was a little more alternative, a kind of dive where they played alternative music or they had concerts and it was cool. Also, there was Moles, which was expensive to get into but every once in a while it was cool. And, of course, the house parties, the gem of Corona. The houses in Bath are not flats but insetad low houses and many of them had a garden, so at some other party you will go for sure.

What about eating in Bath? Can you list your favourite places?

Like I said, Lamb&Lion, there are lots of English pubs. I think they have opened new places and a new shopping centre anyway. There was a place just in front of the train station on the corner that was cool and it has some other cool restaurants, but for me Lamb&Lion; the beers and the cheapest menu.

What about cultural visits?

Perfect. It has lots to see. Of course, the Roman Baths (which if you show your housing contract they give you a card to enter for free that year and you can go with visitors when you want). The Bath Abbey, which is spectacular. The city itself is a museum with all its houses and the structure. It has marvellous canals in which you can easily get lost. The Royal Crescent which is fantastic and Victoria Park. Ah! Alexander Park, I think that is what it is called, I never went there but from what I have seen you can see a view over the whole city, amazing.

Any advice you would like to offer to future students in Bath?

  • 1. Search for somewhere to live as soon as possible. The Gumtree website is very good.
  • 2. Wear an eye mask to sleep because the blinds do not come with them.
  • 3. Enjoy!

If you fancy going to Bath University yourself or anywhere else in Britain, check out this page for the top 10 universities in the UK!

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