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Martin's Erasmus Experience in Bath, UK

Why did you choose to go to Bath, United Kingdom?

In my country, Colombia, the entity Icetex, had an agreement with the Bath Spa University in Bath. After looking at the study programmes at the university and the physical aspects of the campus, I confirmed my decision to study in the United Kingdom, and specifically in Bath.

How long was your scholarship? How much money do you receive for support?

Colfuturo, the organisation that supported my stay in Bath, doesn't exactly establish a scholarship system. Through the scholarship, I was given a loan of $25, 000 for the year I was in England. Once I returned home after the set year I was in England, Colfuturo wipes half of the loan I was supposed to repay. So that meant I would only pay around $13, 000 back. Additionally, there was the possibility of staying in England for another year and participate in a "year of grace", which basically allows students to get a job in the country where they studied for a year, renew the visa with a sponsor or sponsor in the country, and pay part of the debt from the year before. In the agreements with Colfuturo, you have to return to Colombia and work in your native country for twice the amount of time you spent in the foreign country for your studies.

What's the student lifestyle like in Bath?

Bath is a World Heritage City, with approximately ninety thousand inhabitants, according to Wikipedia. In my opinion, a large part of these inhabitants are students who live there temporarily. There are lots of student events in the city, and the university environment is really nice.

Martin's Erasmus Experience in Bath, UK

Would you recommend the city and the university to other students?

I highly recommend Bath Spa University to other students for three reasons:

1. It is an extremely safe city, and walking its beautiful streets at any time of the day to and from the university is a good relaxation therapy.

2. The administrative and teaching human body of the university is really helpful and kind and so is the city in general, it is very well equipped to serve the people.

3. The natural and architectural sites of the city are a source of inspiration for those who want to live in a space that stimulates creativity and learning.

Martin's Erasmus Experience in Bath, UK

What's the country's food like?

Since I came to England I have opted for vegetarianism. However, dishes like: Jacket Potatoes, and English Puddings are small samples of cultural delicacies.

Was it difficult to find accommodation in Bath?

Bath Spa University has a good accommodation system. There are several possibilities to choose from. I recommend that you look for the cheapest options near the centre of the city.

How much does it cost to live in Bath?

Apparently, it's not one of the cheapest cities in England. However, it is cheaper than London and its size means that you can easily get from one side of the city to the other on foot. Supermarkets like Iceland, Poundland or Asda have very affordable prices for food. It is definitely cheaper to cook at home rather than eat out.

How's the language? Did you go on a course at the university?

I have a BA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from the Technological University of Pereira. This helped my development in England a lot.

What's the cheapest way to get to Bath from your hometown?

I don't know which way is the cheapest, but I took a direct trip through Avianca Bogotá to London. When you arrive at one of the London airports it is cheaper to take a bus from Victoria coach station to Bath.

Which places would you recommend for nightlife in Bath?

Molloys, Lamb and Lion, Po-na-nas, OPa the Irish Pub, and the NEst are my favourites.

What about sightseeing?

It's great for a cultural visit. There is so much to see in such a small place.

Do you have any advice for future students in Bath?

I reiterate that it isn't the cheapest city in the United Kingdom, so make sure you know how to spend money wisely and taste everything that Bath has to offer. It is a place that will have a positive effect on your life forever.

Martin's Erasmus Experience in Bath, UK

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