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Experience in Bath, United Kingdom by Ana

Published by flag-gb Ana Johnson — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-gb Erasmus experiences Bath, Bath, United Kingdom

What is it like to live in Bath? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

It is a small and friendly city, where you often bump into people you know.
It is a great place to live in however living costs are rather high.

What is the student lifestyle like in Bath?

Great fun! Student nught outs almost every day, pretty much student focused nightlife. Lots of sport opportunities.

How much does it cost to live in Bath?

Rent is around £400-500 (+bills) unless you get an unusual good deal. Going out for a meal is around £15 usually. Buses to campus are quite expensive too, year-log passes around £400 (Univeristy of Bath campus)

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Bath? Is there any advice you can give?

It is difficult to find good value for money on a house. Oldfield park is now upping their prices and the lowest rent is now located outside walking distance from town (for example Odd Down, Lans Down or Twerton)

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

There is a small variety of restaurants, most of them located in the city centre: thai, indian and italian being the most popular. Many pubs offer typical pub food.

What places would you recommend visiting in Bath?

The Roman Baths, the skyline walks on the surrounding hills (Bathwick, Alexandra Park), at a short walking distance (30min along the canal) there is the Warleigh weir which is nice to go in the summer...

Is it good to eat out in Bath? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Favourite places for food are Sala thai, Yak Yeti Yak.

Is the nightlife good in Bath? Where is good to go?

Depends on the vibe you are lookig for:
Moles has cheesy disco music
The Nest is very edgy
Bridge is the go-to for many internationals (pop music)
Zero-zero is R&B
Most of these places are underground, the poor ventilation makes the walls a bit condensated too.
My favourite place is Opa, a restaurant that some nights offers party.

What advice would you give future students heading to Bath?

Make sure you can afford rent with your loans. University had great pay for students working in the canteen and stuff. Make sure to secure accommodation in advance.
Stay open minded about activities, Bristol is only 10min on the train and lots of events take place there.

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