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Luzia's Erasmus experience in Bath


What is it like for a student living in Bath?

There are two universities in Bath: Bath Spa University and the University of Bath. There are many students, both British and international who study and live in the city so there is a strong student atmosphere. There are loads of bars and clubs giving you plenty of choices to go out and party every night.

Was it difficult to find accommodation in Bath?

No! Bath Spa University contacted me and offered me a space in one of their residences. There are plenty to choose from and different types of accomodation like shared/single bedrooms and studio flats.

Is it expensive to live in Bath?

It is not a very affordable city although I would not be able to say exactly how much it costs. However, what helps are the infinite student discounts for shops and restaurants. I recommend the app “unidas”; with it you can obtain discounts in many places (as well as some websites online). All you have to do is show your special code which you get from the app when you need to pay at the til. Also, with a university card you can enter loads of museums for free and get discounts off club nights as well.

What is the cheapest way to get to Bath from your city?

From Bilboa there are direct flights to Bristol with Easyjet which is quite cheap. The A4 Airdecker bus leaves from Bristol airport every 30 minutes. It takes a little over an hour to arrive in Bath. A single student ticket is £13 and a return is £18 (the return expires after 3 months).

What places would you recommend to go out and party in Bath?

Zero zero on Thursdays (Latin Loco Thursdays)

Komedia on Fridays (Fame)

On the website or app Fatsoma you can find different club nights which are happening every week as well as buy tickets for them.

What are your favourite places to eat out in Bath?

The Oven (pizza)

All Bar One (everything)

Indian Temptation (Indian food)

¿And the must see cultural points of interest?

The Roman Baths (it is free if you are study at either of the two universities in the city)

The Circus (free)

The Royal Crescent (free)


The Assembly Rooms (free)

The Fashion Museum (it is free if you are study at either of the two universities in the city)

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