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Erasmus Experience in Baku, Azerbaijan, by Orxan

Published by flag- Orxan Babashov — 6 years ago

0 Tags: flag-az Erasmus experiences Baku, Baku, Azerbaijan

Why did you choose to go to Baku, Azerbaijan?

Actually I'm citizen of Baku and I live in Azerbaijan.


What is the student lifestyle like in Baku?

Actually student lifestyle in Baku is not so bad, if you get free time after so overloaded reading there are some great places where you can go to enjoy.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Baku to other students?

To be honest, actually in Baku there are not so much the competitive universities comparing with Europe and education is implemented mostly in Azeri language, but there some you can get your education in english, for instance : Qafqaz university, Khazar University, Azerbaijan Tourism Institute( there is special group called Krems, you can get great education and experience in tourism sector ).

What is the food like?

The most experienced gourmets coming to Azerbaijan have become connoisseurs of its cuisine. The Azerbaijanis' dishes are original and unique. It is not surprising that purely Azerbaijani dolma, bozbash, bozartma, chykhyrtma, khashil, shashlyk, piti, pilau, govurma are included in national menus of neighboring Caucasian nations.

Source - Dolma's dish:

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Baku?

Actually to find good accommodation in Baku is not so difficult, price might be around 200-300 euro. If you share your room with other friends it would be much more cheap than staying alone.

How much does it cost to live in Baku?

Actually for one person would be around 450 - 500 euro, if you are not eat at so much expensive restaurant:))

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

Azeri language is not so difficult you can learn so easily if you are really wanna to learn, yeap you can find azeri courses and i think local azeri students much more interested in explaining your this language.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Baku?

There are some clubs where you can listen national azeri music or watch dances in Baku.


And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Baku?

  • Dalida,
  • Dafine,
  • Mado,
  • Papa Jones,
  • Baku Restaurant,
  • Palma.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

Places that are considered by UNESCO as World's Heritage:

Every year this cultural heritage attract so many tourirst from all over the world.

Another nice touristic destinations are:


Nature is so beautiful in those places. Furthermore you can also enjoy national dishes and culture and traditions. People are so kind in this villages.

Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Baku in the future?

I would like to say that Baku is really great place who want to travel and get education there. I believe that students will love this city because in Baku they will see unforgettable hospitality by local people. Tradition is also so different than comparing with European countries. Have a nice time in Baku.

Good Luck!

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