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Experience in Ancona, Italy by Alessio

Published by flag-it Alessio Carletti — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-it Erasmus experiences Ancona, Ancona, Italy

What is it like to live in Ancona? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Ancona is a beautiful city of 110. 000 peoples, in the Adriatic Coast. Beautiful landscape, good food, good beach, but not more night life.


What is the student lifestyle like in Ancona?

Winter: few parties, a lot of studyng.

Summer: sea and beach, Good night life, but not in the city center, surrounding areas.

How much does it cost to live in Ancona?

Not much, depending where you come from.

Dinner: 10-15€

Disco: 15-20€

One Bus ticket (return): 1, 5 €

Rent: variable (200-400 € per month).

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Ancona? Is there any advice you can give?

Contact the University where you go, it can help you to find accommodation.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

If you are coming to Italy, the food is not a problem. Good food, many restaurants, a few fast food (not recommended).

What places would you recommend visiting in Ancona?

The "Duomo" of Ancona, Colle Guasco, old center, Posatora park, Conero Hill, and about the beach: Portonovo beach, Numana beach, Sirolo beach.


Is it good to eat out in Ancona? Can you tell us your favorite spots?

A lot of good restaurant: Avalon restaurant, Cantinetta del Conero, Passetto restaurant (very very expensive), Desiderio (pizza + food), Rosa del conero, Pepenero restaurant...

Is the nightlife good in Ancona? Where is good to go?

Little nightlife.

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