Experience in Almería, Spain by Mario
What do you think about living in Almería? Do you recommend it?
If you are looking for tranquility, this city is right for you.
How is the student atmosphere in Almería?
The student atmosphere is good, and as the University is not that big, it is much cosier.
How much does it cost to live in Almería?
Rent costs about 150€ but it also depends on the area.
Was it difficult to find accomodation in Almería? Can you give any piece of advice?
No, I found it on the webpage http://www.milanuncios.es.
What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?
Food is good and varied.
What places do you recommend to visit in Almería?
La Alcazaba, Cerro de San Cristóbal, the port, Puerta Purchena...
What places do you recommend to go out in Almería?
Las Cuatro Calles.
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Comments (1 comments)
Hola mario en algunas webs esta por ejemplo https://poneranuncios.es/ tienen bastante cosas de Almeria le puedes echar un vistazo.