Erasmus experience in Almeria, Spain
Why did you choose to go to Almeria, Spain?
The main reason was the weather and locations - the city is beautifully situated and the weather is fantastic. The other reason was that I always wanted to go to Spain.
How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?
I've spent in Almeria one semester and my grant was around 270 € per month.
What is the student lifestyle like in Almeria?
People keep together, there are a lot of parties organised by different people, also by a special group of students from Almeria who created an organisation called Asea which helps Erasmus students in their first days and organise different events.
Would you recommend the city and the University of Almeria to other students?
What is the food like?
I didn't like Spanish food in general but the idea of "tapas" is awesome. Personally, I don't like seafood, but if you do, this is a place for you!
How did you find your accommodation?
There is a special organisation called Asea at the university and people working there helped me to find a flat. It took me around 3 days.
What are the accommodation prices like? What are prices like for other things in general?
I paid 145 € plus additional costs per month for a single room. The prices were around 130-250 € per month, depending on the location and standard of a flat. I spend around 200 € on food each month.
Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the university?
Generally the classes are in Spanish - there are no special groups formed for Erasmus students, you just join the Spanish class. - I had my classes in English but it was because I study English at my university. The University in Almeria provide a free Spanish course for Erasmus students. The course lasts around one month or one and a half and they find you a group depending on your level. After passing an exam at the end of the course, you get a language certificate.
What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Almeria from your city?
By Ryanair plane.
Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Almeria?
There are a lot of them...
And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Almeria?
Different tapas bars.
What good cultural sites are there to visit?
Not very well developed - Almeria is quite a small city.
Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Almeria in the future?
Learn Spanish before you come here or don't come - they don't speak English, really...
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Content available in other languages
- Polski: Erasmusowe doświadczenie w Almeríi, Hiszpania
- Español: Experiencia Erasmus en Almería, España
- Italiano: Esperienza Erasmus a Almeria, Spagna
- Français: Erasmus experience à Almeria en Espagne
- Português: Experiência Erasmus em Almería, Espanha
- Türkçe: Almeria, İspanya'da Erasmus Deneyimi
- Deutsch: Erasmus Erfahrung in Almeria, Spanien
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Comments (1 comments)
How much was your Erasmus financial grand :)