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Erasmus Experience in Almeria, Spain by Amela

Published by flag-hr Amela Škrijelj — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-es Erasmus experiences Almeria, Almeria, Spain

Why did you choose to go to Almeria, Spain?

It was my second choice but it turns to be the best one because I am enjoying it :)

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

My scholarship is 550 Euros per month. I am going to stay here for 5 months.

What is the student lifestyle like in Almeria?

Really good. First month is a little bit chaotic but when you get settled, it is very exiting. Every day I meet so many different people from all around the world, we hang out on the beach or go somewhere to eat tapas by night, planning trips together and etc. So far so good :)

Would you recommend the city and the University of Almeria to other students?

Yes I would and tell them that the quality of life here is very relaxed and unstressful. But also I would warn them that people here does not speak english or if they can speak, the level is not so good, on the University also, so that's one important disadvantage especially at the begginig when you are still settling down.

What is the food like?

Almost everything include cheese and egg :)

When you order a beer in the bar the tapas is included in the price so when they ask you: Tapas? you say: Si. :)

How much does it cost to live in Almeria?

I really can't tell so far because this is my second month here, but I think around 500euro to cover everything (including going out).

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

I knew some spanish before beacuse I have seen so many mexican/spanish television series, but I did not have opportunity to speak it. Yes on the University language course is available and that is the great way to meet different people for start.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Almeria from your city?

I took the flight Venice-Madrid then Madrid-Almeria. Full duration of the trips is around 5 hours (includind waiting an hour in Madrid).

But it saw very cheap offers online to Malaga too.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Almeria?

All Erasmus students go to Classica but in my opinion, everywhere you go it will be good because everything is new for you. All the main clubs are in the centre - Cuatro calles zone.

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Almeria?

I have been only to Cabana de Tio Tom and every Erasmus student knows where it is because it is cheap and you get a really large portions :)

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

Alcazaba, old city centre, Parque Cabo de gata. I am still exploring too.



Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Almeria in the future?

Find accommodation online, be openminded, relax and be prepared for slow way of living life, because here people are not in the rush at all, they are all like: Calmaaaaa hombre! ( take it easy dude! )

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